
Jan 20, 2006
Göteborg, Svea rike
Just wondered wheather there is a copyprotection on Viva Emtiness because my Stereo can't play it, when every thing else can (The car stereo, my computer)
I know sometimes the record company puts a copy seal on CDs making perticular devices unable to play them, but it doesn't feel like the case since it usualy affects car stereos(and my version is working on the car stereo)

It nothing wrong with the Stereo either, it plays ever other CD I own...
Whenever I take a vacation I copy all the CD's I want to take and never take the originals for fear that something might happen to them.
I use Nero to burn my CD's and I had some copy protected CD's like Placebo's Sleeping with ghosts and A perfect Circle's thirteenth step which I copied with no problem and without the copy protection seal.
Now I had a Philips CD player which didn't play any copy-protected CD's.
The copied CD's he did that solved my problem and I think It will solve yours too.
As for VE...I don't remember If it's copy protected...I'll have to check
Miltbrand said:
Off topic: How did IFK do last season?

2:nd in the swedish leage, lost the series final against Djurgården bacause of the referee, one IFK goal, which was correct, was taken away for offside, (if djurgården passes an IFK player in offside position it doens't count) and Djurgården got a goal that should have been taken away for offside.

Rigth now the moral in the team is pretty low since almost the entire board are suspects in a tax affair.
Yeah, I heard about that. It´s always crap when the focus is on stuff like that! Djurgården is pretty much the Chelsea or Man. U. of Sweden isn´t it?
Anyway, I´m just hoping that my team isn´t going down from Superligaen (The team is AGF). Oh, those were the days when I could be sad about 'only' ending second in the league! :D
Miltbrand said:
Djurgården is pretty much the Chelsea or Man. U. of Sweden isn´t it?

No, that would be us :P

Well, they have one "biggshot politcian" in the board of the club and probably he has given them a lot of "advantages" so to say.
You could think of them as Chealsea, a moderate club who doesn't win, but still plays good until one person came to the club and gave them a lot.
We are like Man.Utd, we are where we are because we deserve it :P
I mean, Chelsea whould never be where they are now without Roman, the same with Djurgården.
Man.Utd and IFK has always been on of the best clubs in their leauge.

This is pretty much of topic isn't it :loco:

:rock: on
When I was in the Netherlands I went to a Football Pub in Vollendam packed with Heerenveen fans all painted up and drunk.I am an Ajax fan and I just went inside sat on one of the empty stools to watch the game between Ajax and Heerenveen.One of the guys asked me if I'm a Heerenveen fan too.I said,actually I'm an Ajax fan but I want just to sit and watch the game and I'm not gonna say anything cause I don't know dutch anyway.They said OK.
Ajax won 2-0 in that game and the guys in the bar were angry at me for jinxing the game.didn't harm me though.So i finished my beer said,sorry for your loss and left.they took it rather well.
A while back one of my friends went to see an Arsenal-Man U game in a London Arsenal Pub, being a Manchester halftime they punched him in the stomach and he ran away.

well I abandoned my love for football about 2 years ago just naturally after I got interested in other things and there was simply no time for football.
Welll suporters are diffrent all over the world, some see it like war some see it as fun.

Peronaly I'm on the level where I taunt the opponents. Like wearing my IFK jersey everytime I'm in Stockholm or Malmö just to piss them off. Not really a fan of sportsrelated violence.

I think what fasinates me with football is the way it binds people together, so many diffrent people unify to support who they are. (Where you grew up in most cases)
It is specially intresting in the major cities where people from one specific area boast the same team, like all the people from Hissingen support Häcken BK.
Unfortuenetly thats the only case in Gothenburg, otherwise all the other major clubbs (IFK Göteborg, GAIS, Örgryte IS) all represent the entire are. (Well actually Örgryte is one small part of the city but most of the supporters live outsde Örgryte)
In Stockholm on the other hand they have three clubs wha all represent diffrent parts of the city, if someone supports Hammarby you know he grew up in the south parts of the city. (Usually)
The way tousands of people gather to support their team is kind of fascinating and as everyone else I have to stand up for my roots, in Johanneberg.