Copying tracks


May 19, 2008
I always record two different takes of guitar tracks and pan them for my rhythm tracks, but i have heard of people copying tracks, panning them, and slightly off setting them.

I'm just curious if anyone copys tracks? Not just for guitar, but for anything? Is there any legitimate reason to copy any track and off set it slightly or anything?
Works as a pseudo double tracking thing if you delay the other side like 15-40ms but doesn't sound amaz. I just quickly chuck it on pre pro that we're smashing through for arrangements sake so we have a guitar on both sides. Sounds like terrible phase city. However, if you get two takes and hard pan them, then duplicate them and reverse the panning and offset them by a similar amount, you can ride those up underneath for some stereo widening.
I used the mono-to-stereo delay technique just a few minutes ago. It's pretty useful if you want to "spread up" a single instrument from the stereo-center without panning it off-center.

I think it's also used to balance a mix that would either be lobsided or very mono due to the tracks it contains; for example, a drumtrack, a basstrack and a single acoustic guitar track. With a stereo delay you could pan the original guitartrack far left and let the delay-tap follow after about 10-20ms to the far right (you might have to fiddle with the volume of the tap to get things balanced). This way you can still have somewhat of a stereo stage. Check your mix in mono if you use it this way though, to make sure that combfiltering isn't making your instrument disappear. For more info, read up on "Haas effect".

Here's a sample of the "centerspread" idea: centerspread sample.wav
The "clickety" instrument that keeps playing throughout the loop has been treated like this. Ignore the music, it's just sa rough start of a backgroundtrack I'm doing for a "build-your-own-solarpanel" documentary :)
For some reason, the track makes me want to fix things in my house...