Core 2 Duo vs. Core 2 Quad


Apr 11, 2006
Hey all, I know there have been discussions about CPUs in previous posts, but I havent come across a definitive answer as of yet.. I have read that some programs are better with dual cores whilst some work best with quad..
Im running PTLE 7.4 at the moment and am looking at upgrading to PTLE 8 soon, but am upgrading my computer first..

Im not sure whether I should be getting a Core 2 Duo or a Core 2 Quad.. My two main options were the E7400 Dual core 2.8GHz or the Q6600 Quad core 2.4GHz..

Also, what is the advantage of a 45 nanometer processor over a 65 nanometer?

If someone could let me know that would be great!

Thanks a lot,
Well, I can't help too much (being a computer retard) but Reaper definitely has the capability to utilise all 4 cores on a Quad, something which not all Daw's can do. Oh and I love my Q6600.
Dual core V Quad : Right now you may as well have a extremely quick dual for raw power if you're on a budget as nothing is really loading them, unless you want to play crysis too. 45nm runs around 20 degrees cooler than 65nm, and is +-10% quicker than 65nm clock per clock.
Instead of starting a new thread, I figured I could ask here.

I've got an AMD X2 4500+ dual core CPU. Is AMD a lot worse off than Intel when it comes to sound processing? I'm kinda getting that feeling because today I got a nasty surprise. I was recording some stuff for user Morgue (his sis is gonna try laying vocals, w00t!), and at 40-45% CPU usage, I began having drop-outs and shit. I've never had drop-outs on my entire solo project I recorded last summer, and that was still the same computer... so it's very weird. The only thing I've done lately to that computer is installing Service Pack 3, which should definately not degrade my freakin' computer!

Maybe this should be broken up into two questions actually... one being: Are AMD dual cores worse than Intel dual cores?

And the other question being: What may cause these drop outs I had today, at a CPU usage that I KNOW I was able to record at last summer? (No other programs were running in the background, it was the same as last summer).
Ah awesome man, thanks for that link, had heard of that test but hadnt seen all those individual results, sounds great!

Is there any improvement (that people know of) of the newer core 2 duos with the 45 nanometer processors? Or is it just that it requires less power?
Ah, I started posting ages ago and only just posted the reply, so I didnt see your answer kev, sorry!

Also, as for SP3, Ive heard youre better off without it? Could be wrong..
nice threat! i have a question too. what about the difference between a dual core 2,66 or 2,88 of an imac and an usual q6600 in a pc?