Core - Demo 2005


Apr 5, 2003
Core - Demo 2005
Self-Released - 2005
By Brandon Strader

CORE!! Like an apple core? Or crappy hardcore? Well, that will be revealed within the core of this review of Core's Demo 2005.Nope, this is not crappy hardcore. This is actually such grandiose death metal as to send shivers deep down to my core. A full-on death assault with growls, distorted screams, and everything you need for your lynch mob soundtrack. Sure, the brutallity is intact.. the overly overdriven guitars, the heavy detuned bass... the shout-like vocals and the skillfull percussion! Fast double-bass and a few blastbeats here and there is always a good touch for any album, even rap. Well maybe not. Actually that would be pretty horrible.

There are a few riffs throughout Demo 2005 that sound like something I've heard on other death or even thrash albums! That's not good, now is it? Although a lot of the stuff on this short demo is pretty original - I mean - how original can they actually be? They're a death / thrash band called Core for crying out loud! Plus I think Thrash is overly repetitive anyway, there are only a few groups within that genre that really push the envelope and try new stuff.

And yes, there are hardcore breakdowns here. WHY! The music isn't even hardcore! What next, freeform jazz groups will play hardcore breakdowns? I think the trend has become a bit too infectious and must be STOPPED! Sure, breakdowns are fine in a live setting if you plan to play them after a certain section of a song, but they shouldn't actually be included in the studio recording! That should be the new rule of hardcore breakdowns. Anyway, Demo 2005 from Core is pretty good. It doesn't push the envelope or try anything risky, but it does well at what Core set out to do, which is... I guess... to make a decent death / thrash demo! Hooray!


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Core Website
I wonder if Al Gore would bore through the floor to see what's in the middle of Earths core. But then again, that sounds like such a bore. Where oh where is my whore? Now she's exciting and not a bore. She'll go straight for the core while lying on the floor. Yeah, she let's me bore, even though she'd rather be with Al Gore.

