Hello Everyone!
Today we proudly announce that [CORE OF THE STORM] Records starts promotional company and introduces FREE REAMPING AND MIXING FOR YOUR SONGS
Preferable genres are: -metal, -core, -rock
Requirements for archives are:
- All of your tracks must start from the zero point of the project in your DAW and have ".wav" format
- Only audio interface with instrumental input must be used for recording guitars
- All of your tracks must be without any processing (Direct Input guitars and bass, Raw vocals)
- Riff-building, noise cutting in silent parts, tuning vocals is totally your responsibility (will be available for the additional price when promo will be discontinued)
- You should provide midi (or Guitar Pro 5) tracked drums
- Naming convention is like [SongName]-Guitar1.wav, [SongName]-Guitar2.wav, [SongName]-Bass.wav, [SongName]-Growl.wav etc
- A text file with your band name, facebook (or smth. else) link and some additional information including descriptions on how you want to sound like (examples are welcomed)
Two types of reamping are available: Digital and tube (Bugera 6260)
Contact information and examples of work: