I'm gonna throw something in here, I'm working on a mix right now that could do with some nice reampage, I'm talking two rhythm tracks and 6 lead tracks for a big Evergrey/Hammerfall-esque track, if you're interested, I'll up the tracks and a mix with everything bar guitars?

Edit: Realised I'm talking about tracks from Macke, so they could be the same DI's haha!

I did Sancto Spirito.
I'd be really interested in seeing if you could nail an Evergrey-esque tone. Something like the tone on Recreation Day.

Make a quick recording of 30 seconds of the Evergrey song you want me to reamp for with drum bass and vocal (if necessary) stems, send me DI's and I'll be glad to give it a shot.


If you drop it all into your DAW and line the stems up to start on Bar 13 at 120bpm 4/4, they'll match up with the guitar DI's. Each stem is labeled "WhereIBelong*****" where ***** is Drums, Bass, Vocals, etc. The DI's are called "WhereIBelongDI-L" and "WhereIBelongDI-R".

That might all sound like I'm telling you shit you can figure out easily, but I don't want any confusion and I want this to kick serious ass :). This is just the rhythm tracks for the moment. I can maybe hit you up later to reamp some of the leads as well?

I think I have a pretty nice mix going here, so with your reamping it should kick ass!
No, sorry. But if you can get on Spotify or anything, I was thinking a tone along the lines of Blinded by Evergrey off of Recreation Day might really suit this.
Hey dude, are you still offering the free reamps? I have a song that has been quad tracked that I could send. Its got the rhythm guitars, drums and very soon the bass.
Sounds great Greg, though the "G L ON" track has the stems still mixed into it, and the "G R OFF" track won't load into my DAW and won't play either. Also sounds like "G L ON" is both DI's mixed as well.
Sounds great Greg, though the "G L ON" track has the stems still mixed into it, and the "G R OFF" track won't load into my DAW and won't play either. Also sounds like "G L ON" is both DI's mixed as well.

Did I make a boo boo when mixing down.

LOL Let me try again.