Now Offering Reamping (free test reamps for a day)

Sorry muckypup! Just ran out of time, and I have to get back to some pressing mix projects atm so there isn't a chance to extend the offer.

You're welcome Kyle! If any of you guys that got the tracks are happy to post them, by all means do so.

Kyle just asked whether it was cool to post his, and I'm only too happy. Unreal playing on this track:

Sounds pretty good Ermz!
I agree with Marcus that it does sound a little muffled, but at least it isn't muddy.
but ermz i can hear the potential you will pull out of that don't take what i said as an insult i just do not like recs but i know in one of your mixes its gonna be the end all be all
Sounds pretty darned good, Ermz. Definitely has a bit more bite than the previous example you posted. The palm mutes are bit weak, but overall it's a solid tone. This was a rectifier? It doesn't really sound like one to me.
Alright, here's an example of one of these reamped tones in something closer to a final mix:

The rhythm guitars are my reamps, but the subtle lead layers that kick in during choruses are Ola's reamps.


I dunno, the EQ is fairly good, but everything in the mix is kinda messy. The drums are roomy, and the guitars are pretty undefined as well. And the vocals are just.. god.

Since you're a Nebula user.. why don't you try using Nebula impulses instead of your Harley Benton cab? Or are there really no good ones available yet?
Hey Greg, thanks. It most certainly was a Rectifier, but with a fair bit of post processing to get where I needed it to go. I'm anything but a purist about tones, even though I've been a guitar player for the better part of the decade. So whatever EQ it needs, it usually gets.

Morgan, I think perhaps you don't like the aesthetic of where the music is coming from. It's intentionally dirty and messy. Rooms are way up on the drums, indeed. Separation is easy to achieve, but I wasn't trying to make this another Kick15Z3 and Snare12Z1 type mix, if you get me. That aside, I did have to deal with some of the poorest raw tracks I've ever had, so even getting it to this point was quite a marathon. The bass guitar in particular is just impossible to get sitting right. But ultimately that's all beside the point anyway, as it's just here to showcase the guitar sound.

Anyway, forgot there was a more 'recent' version up:
Those guitars are awesome for this.. to me.

Ran a bass through the rec? ;) i couldn't help my self if I got my hands on one... knowing that Meshuggah used that for Chaosphere..
Hehe, sorry Ola. For the record, he played all those guitars there. From what I gather he learned the entire EP in one day and recorded it as well :lol:

@Benny: I did that for one of the reamps just for fun... not for this one though. There is actually NO high-end on the bass... like, at ALL. Running it through the Rect would do nothing other than distort the low-end, haha. Unless I highpassed the bass, in which case it would distort nothing. Much love for Chaosphere though. I'll be doing the bass distortion VERY often right into impulses I think. Bass doesn't suffer as much as guitar from not having an amp, and the impulses will make life with the neighbours easier.
Hehe, sorry Ola. For the record, he played all those guitars there. From what I gather he learned the entire EP in one day and recorded it as well :lol:

@Benny: I did that for one of the reamps just for fun... not for this one though. There is actually NO high-end on the bass... like, at ALL. Running it through the Rect would do nothing other than distort the low-end, haha. Unless I highpassed the bass, in which case it would distort nothing. Much love for Chaosphere though. I'll be doing the bass distortion VERY often right into impulses I think. Bass doesn't suffer as much as guitar from not having an amp, and the impulses will make life with the neighbours easier.

haha it wasn't meant as a negative comment that you didn't mentioned me! All good I think it sounds awesome ermz you're doing a great job on this one.

EDIT: omg I just noticed a big facepalm Super Mario coin sound around 3:22 into the song. :lol:
:lol: you're telling me, I've been listening to those harmonics for days. Great job on the tracks for the limited time you had on them! I just wish I had the time to edit them properly, but the budget isn't extending to that sadly. I think for the kind of 90s, raw vibe he wants it should do the trick. Biggest struggle was stopping myself from over-separating and making everything 'clean'.
:lol: you're telling me, I've been listening to those harmonics for days. Great job on the tracks for the limited time you had on them! I just wish I had the time to edit them properly, but the budget isn't extending to that sadly. I think for the kind of 90s, raw vibe he wants it should do the trick. Biggest struggle was stopping myself from over-separating and making everything 'clean'.

I have no doubt you will deliver a great product in the end!
Morgan, I think perhaps you don't like the aesthetic of where the music is coming from. It's intentionally dirty and messy. Rooms are way up on the drums, indeed. Separation is easy to achieve, but I wasn't trying to make this another Kick15Z3 and Snare12Z1 type mix, if you get me. That aside, I did have to deal with some of the poorest raw tracks I've ever had, so even getting it to this point was quite a marathon. The bass guitar in particular is just impossible to get sitting right. But ultimately that's all beside the point anyway, as it's just here to showcase the guitar sound.

Anyway, forgot there was a more 'recent' version up:

If that's what you were going for, then I guess it works. It's just not a guitar tone I'd have thought you'd have gone for. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who exports a billion different mixes ;p Somehow just exporting it makes me realise a bunch of things that I didn't while mixing.