I'm bumping this to death. I want awesome full projects to work with. I want to showcase my work and I want more practice. Let's get this shit together people, it's helping each of us!
got the born of osiris style track ready.

very very excited how this will turn out with your sounds!

i think 2 mesa + 2 5150 would be perfect, but its up to you,
what will serve the song.

can you handle 32 bit files ?
and can you work with cubase 5 files ?

will upload later!
I have received dcb's and the xrateddodo's reamps. 2 out of 5 down.

Listening to dcbs reamps, :notworthy. God Bless your soul for getting me reamps that sound good through my Revalver preset. It's gonna be easy to get these pwn.
How long you gonna be doing this?

Should the DIs have a TS on them or no?

And what should they be peaking at....

If i just send you the wave files for the guitar tracks....thats ok?

It goes on until I get 7 full submissions. The DI's whould be completely dry.

They can peak at anything that isn't clipping, I care not.

The guidelines say, I need .wavs for the DI's and full vocal/bass/drum stems that are pre-mixed and ready to receive guitar tones.
just received these killer reamps! greg - thank you so much.

everyone else : if you need tone, greg has it! tons of it! lotsaaaa ;-)

will post a mix of that song as soon as i get my event opals!
I´m having serious problems with my equipment. I will only can finish the mix an upload the files in two weeks. If some vacancy stay, i´ll centainly upload!
I'm gonna throw something in here, I'm working on a mix right now that could do with some nice reampage, I'm talking two rhythm tracks and 6 lead tracks for a big Evergrey/Hammerfall-esque track, if you're interested, I'll up the tracks and a mix with everything bar guitars?

Edit: Realised I'm talking about tracks from Macke, so they could be the same DI's haha!