Corey Taylor got still lyrics for anthrax (German Interview)


Oct 24, 2002
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Here is an Interview with Corey.. (in german)

in short:
He says that he ve got lyrics for anthrax but his label says no and he is sorry really about that.
and he hope for anthrax that they stay well with joey.

we will see what happend.. and when i can hold a new anthrax album in my hands... 2010, 2011,2012???
Corey Taylor can go fuck himself. Anthrax don't need no nu-metal twat. If it's not Bush, at least it's Bella. I really would give up on them if they got that cunt Taylor in the band.
While Slipknot's music doesn't really interest me (I did like them when they were new) I don't see why Taylor's a cunt, regardless of his own musical background the guy is obviously an Anthrax fan and was willing to try and contribute to the band. It probably would of sounded like an uneasy match to start with but if it had of panned out with him joining the band I think he has the vocal talents to of made it interesting at least.

But fuck it, if Belladonna is back to stay who cares about maybes, just give us something new already!
Corey Taylor wouldn't be my top pick but atleast he can hold a note and has some range.

Belladonna back to stay? hahaha how long you been a fan? Its been a soap opera for along time now. It won't last.... Thank god!
Joey said they already came to terms regarding a new album and supporting tour. We'll see, but I doubt they'd change singers again.
Corey Taylor can go fuck himself. Anthrax don't need no nu-metal twat. If it's not Bush, at least it's Bella. I really would give up on them if they got that cunt Taylor in the band.

dam thats harsh,whether u like slipknot/stone sour or not he's one hell of a songwriter and singer,one of the best in the last decade.
Belladonna back to stay? hahaha how long you been a fan? Its been a soap opera for along time now. It won't last.... Thank god!

A long time, actually. And if Anthrax know whats good for them they wont fuck it up this time and actually keep this line up together. If they switch singers again the may as well change names or just quit.
Corey Taylor can go fuck himself. Anthrax don't need no nu-metal twat. If it's not Bush, at least it's Bella. I really would give up on them if they got that cunt Taylor in the band.

Settle down, bloody hell! I'm hardly a Slipknot fan, but the guy has an amazing and diverse voice, and his lyrics are good too. Geez, so how worked up do you get about important things like the oil spill??!!
Uhm, if he would be in Anthrax, he surely wouldnt write the music alone. And I think we can all agree one one thing:The rest of the Anthrax members have always put out kickass music.

To be honest: I think Corey would have sounded great on Bush and Belladonna material.