Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

i'm not sure how the boris speech will affect me yet. i'm hardly a 'key worker' but i'm not gonna stay home unless my work tells me to, i'm less worried about health than finances at this stage. i actually feel kinda fortunate that most of my immediate family is already dead lol, if my grandparents were alive during this it would've been an actual nightmare.
l am the assistant manager to our one and only shop, and l have chosen to isolate with my nuclear family because we are a higher risk. You Wains, should insist that you are isolating. I don't know if you qualify for the 80% wage payments, but is that why you're more worried about finances than your health? You're up north right?
we're on like 90% lockdown now. i wonder if my work will finally send us home.

Yep. This shit fucking sucks. I’m working from home by setting work for the students through Microsoft Teams and I’m responding to DMs from them at all hours. I’m also doing webcam lessons with my A Level students or else they’ll be too far behind for Year 13. Anyone who thinks this is a holiday can fuck right off, I’d much rather be in school.

We also have to do one shift a week at school because those that are extremely disadvantaged or vulnerable need to still be in school. Also the kids of people who are key workers as they still need to work obviously.
There is a bunch of teachers on one of the other local forums I use who have spent the last 3 weeks bitching that the schools should have been shut and kids sent home. Now the schools are being shut they are bitching because they have too much work to do and they have to teach the kids who have remained at school. It's fucking hilarious watching them bitch and moan about not getting to go home like the kids.
Westerners criticise the Chinese wet markets, but they remind me of one of my dad's wildest USA stories. He was travelling through several states on a track geometry car with Norfolk & Western Railway in 1980 to see how they work over there. On the first day he was already deep in bumfuck nowhere Deliverance style, stopping for lunch in Davy, West Virginia for what were touted as the best cheeseburgers in the state if not the whole country. Inside the burger place he could see through to the kitchen, and at the same countertop where the burgers were made the guy was skinning squirrels. I'm sure when he first told the story he said he opted not to have a burger, but now he thinks maybe he did. :lol:

My parents are still doing their best to isolate from me (ie. separate dinners) as they've only been back from overseas for 8 days. I'm temporarily living here an 8 hour drive away from my girlfriend, which sucks but we already needed the time to deal with shit before the pandemic turned up. I wasn't planning to see her again until mid-late April, either when she has a space for me in a tiny house or for a concert on the 27th. Now both of those are probably delayed, the tiny house depending on when it can get trucked in and plumbers will do non-essential work etc. Also, there are some significant age gaps. :cool: Her dad is freakin' 95 so I wouldn't want to add any unnecessary risk to her family circle.

There was finally a notable amount of panic buying at supermarkets here yesterday when it was announced everything non-essential is shutting down, as people are morons. I guess they know that supermarkets are essential, but they think they're avoiding a major outbreak down the track when they're actually potentially the ones who'll cause it by all turning up at once like that. Next time I go to the supermarket I expect it to be business as usual, though they'll probably limit the number of customers in the shop at one time. The panic buying at liquor stores was more justified as so far they haven't been classed as essential.
Our state premier announced a non essential services shutdown for today, on Sunday. Yesterday the bottle shops in the state reported 3x the trade that they usually do on Christmas Eve. Seems this state has their priorities right, even if they are too stupid to realise that bottle shops wont be shutting.
There is a bunch of teachers on one of the other local forums I use who have spent the last 3 weeks bitching that the schools should have been shut and kids sent home. Now the schools are being shut they are bitching because they have too much work to do and they have to teach the kids who have remained at school. It's fucking hilarious watching them bitch and moan about not getting to go home like the kids.

Schools absolutely had to close, it was the right decision. It still sucks though because it’s obviously much more difficult to teach the students online. The impact of this is going to be felt in the results for the next few years depending on how long it lasts. This is already a profession where people think you work 6 hours a day and are off the quarter of the year and basically do fuck all. Now they think we are on yet another holiday. Which again is not true.
There is evidence that suggest schools shouldn't shut, but I'm not interested in an argument. My amusement is with the teachers in this country who thought that if shut downs happened it was going to be a paid holiday like other people are getting and now they realise it's nothing of the sort. They screamed for the schools to shut, now they are screaming because they are shut and their job is so much harder.

That might not be the same for other countries, it's not even the same for the majority of teachers here, but like usual social media points out the really fucked up thinkers of this world. My kid's teachers didn't even want the school shut, they knew what horseshit was going to follow, they knew that teaching via the internet is not viable and they knew that their life wasn't going to be a holiday. We are just lucky school holidays started at the end of this week so the disruption at this stage is not that big.
Posted a few assignments to google classroom last week but only had 5 students out of about 160 complete anything. My school had a google meeting and I was directed to reach out and contact all the students in my last period this week. The school district is not putting out a clear consistent message about expectations and they have admitted that we are not equipped to implement distance learning.
Our internet is not ready for 5 million kids logging on at the same time, especially not while such a large number of people are now working from home. That also doesn't take into account the tens of thousands of kids who simply can't get internet.
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My kid's teachers didn't even want the school shut, they knew what horseshit was going to follow, they knew that teaching via the internet is not viable and they knew that their life wasn't going to be a holiday.

This was quite a good post I saw aimed at parents, although doesn't mention anything about teachers being expected to continue teaching via the web.

My brother in law teaches uni tutorials so he's continuing to do that from home and it sounds like that setup is quite good at least.
The only problem I have with posts like that, and there is plenty of them out there, some good, some bad, is that it's a blanket post treating all kids the same. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that post is wrong, just that it's not what all kids will go through and some people can't or wont see the difference. They'll read it as fact and react the way the post suggests which may not be necessary. Seeing that some wont suffer, some will suffer and some will suffer more than others is more important than just saying it will happen. I realise there is no way the author can do all of that in a single post, but the ability of any single post/point of view to polarise one's thinking is one of the problems with social media.

Our (Australia's) problem with a web based education is not so much the education part, it will be set by the education department and the teachers will have to adhere to guidelines much like they do in class. Our biggest problem is the delivery of it all. It seems that many schools are using Google Classroom, I have no idea how that will stand up to 5 million simultaneous log ins (presumes all schools logging in at same time). But our system itself is miles behind the speeds and reliability of most other countries. With the influx of people working from home, the large number of businesses still operating that use the internet daily and home schooling demands our traffic demands will cripple parts of the internet in this country. Then we have people who are still on dial up internet, and despite popular government belief it's not just remote areas, there are places within an hour of major cities that can't get better than dial up internet. Even mobile internet, despite being impractical for the purpose, is non existent in some suburbs and regional centres. I'm not sceptical of our teachers (at least not at my kids school) I'm sceptical of the system they've been forced to implement. But the only fix for that is to put kids back at school and that's not entirely practical either.
You’re about to see a free fall in wv with this shit. Every hospital in the area has staff that’s tested positive now, a preacher from a 10,000 member church and nursing home staff.

Death Virginia incoming.
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My wife is a nurse, working on the biggest hospital of the capital. It's a hospital fully dedicated to urgencies and there are at least 12 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in isolation. One of the nurses from my wife's team reported symptoms of the illness yesterday and got tested, results are still pending, so there are chances for her (and myself) to be infected. I'm asymptomatic so far. I'm working at home and we implemented an isolation protocol here - very similar to the one used in the hospital. Luckily we have a lot of medical supplies here, so we can keep everything pretty clean.

Here everything is a fucking mess. Useless Minister of Health and his people is doing a terrible job managing this crisis. This will strike us like the Black Death destroyed France, no kidding.
We aren't getting lucky. We've got cases in town, and dozens more already in the hospital waiting for their test results. Meanwhile, HCA, the company (owned largely by Tennessee's own Frist family) that bought out our hospital system is far more worried about busting a union organizing drive among the nurses than in preparing for what is coming. They're still pulling nurses off the floor on the daily for captive audience meetings against the union, but haven't got any sort of system in place for handling the pandemic. All capitalism is disaster capitalism, because capitalism is the disaster.

You're about 6-10 years too late at this point to be angsty about capitalism on this board. We are all The Man now.