Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

It last 5 days until they released me. I don't have a lot of energy so I'll go in depth later on but this is a summarized run down:

Monday - felt mildly sick, called in to work
Tuesday morning - work up with a fever and uncontrollable shaking, joints were inflamed, drove myself to the hospital and almost passed out in the parking lot, doctor saw me almost fall trying to walk into ER and they immediately had medics come out and strap me down on a gurney, took me straight into a separate room for assessment and went into isolation, couldn't breathe on my own anymore, ventilator hooked up immediately
Wednesday - ventilator and they started pumping me full of steroids and a variety of drugs, towards the end of the day they tried hydroxychloroquine which immediately started to work
By Friday morning I could breathe on my own and the flu system were back to mild and I was released by the afternoon to remain in isolation for the next 14 days

Two things stick out the most: the inability to breathe and the pain in my joints.
Jesus that sounds fast and intense, also what age range are you in? No need to be specific if you'd rather not but are you under or over 40?
Damn, that's a bit dramatic! I'm temporarily living with my parents, but it'd suck if I was alone and had to get myself to the hospital from my apartment. Hope they don't charge you too much for hospital parking there!
It last 5 days until they released me. I don't have a lot of energy so I'll go in depth later on but this is a summarized run down:

Monday - felt mildly sick, called in to work
Tuesday morning - work up with a fever and uncontrollable shaking, joints were inflamed, drove myself to the hospital and almost passed out in the parking lot, doctor saw me almost fall trying to walk into ER and they immediately had medics come out and strap me down on a gurney, took me straight into a separate room for assessment and went into isolation, couldn't breathe on my own anymore, ventilator hooked up immediately
Wednesday - ventilator and they started pumping me full of steroids and a variety of drugs, towards the end of the day they tried hydroxychloroquine which immediately started to work
By Friday morning I could breathe on my own and the flu system were back to mild and I was released by the afternoon to remain in isolation for the next 14 days

Two things stick out the most: the inability to breathe and the pain in my joints.
Thanks for sharing bro, hope you’re back to full health soon. So you’re in canada? How do you think you got it?
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Mayor is a dumb fuck Karen.

What's the background? From the start of the video what I see is some loudmouth black poli looking to score political points, like that Arkansas woman dramatically screaming "I WILL NOT BE SILENCED" over some dumbshit anti-2A bullshit while some soft white guy practically whispers for her to lower her tone. #BraveAndPowerful moment that will rock Twitter for a week.

Listening to more of it, lmao the dude is hamming it up. Doing a good job of it though I guess, he can probably pivot to US congressman in some black district and sit there for 30 years.
He's angry because he wanted to have that meeting a week prior and he was basically told "fuck off zoomer it's just the flu" and now people are having their power shut off in the midst of a pandemic when they won't have money coming in to get their power back on.

LAKE WORTH BEACH — A Lake Worth Beach city commissioner is requesting an emergency meeting of the five-person board to begin preparing for impacts to city residents and employees if the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread.
Commissioner Omari Hardy wants the city to discontinue shutoffs of water and electric to city residents with derelict accounts during the crisis. Hardy is also calling for the city to pay employees’ out-of-pocket medical expenses related to the pandemic and allow paid leave for city workers if operations are curtailed or if they are parents who need to stay home with the school-age children.

But city officials say no special meeting is planned and pushed back on Hardy’s request.

City Manager Michael Bornstein said he appreciates Hardy’s “youthful exuberance” but added the 30-year-old commissioner “just needs to calm down.”

“We’re trying to find the best approach to different topics because it’s a fluid situation,” Bornstein said. “We still have to maintain a certain amount of normalcy, order and process. You can’t just all of a sudden say, ‘It’s a free-for-all. Let’s just do what everybody wants.’”
Fuck that dude, use the quarantine to get even bigger (what else is there to do) and emerge as a glorious mulleted monster and scoop up all the freshly widowed sluts.
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Is there any evidence for that? The white guy says that the black guy had been talking all day, and two minutes of the end of a meeting says nothing about how long they had been discussing things previously, and the black guy admits right in the video that he "has interrupted people" but then says it was in the good name of muh lights. I don't see where the woman insinuated "it's just the flu" or anything either.

[Triolo] also referenced Hardy’s plan to leave the city commission and run for a seat in the Florida State House. She said, “Hardy for state house, you got a camera on that?”

That about sums it up, and shows the reason why populism is generally a dumpster fire of the most charismatic people duping the most retarded people.
Full meeting:

FYI they didn't literally say it was just the flu (they also didn't call him a zoomer) I was just framing it that way because of their general responses of telling him to calm down it'll be okay, emergency meetings aren't necessary etc.

He was also angry they hadn't shut the beach down yet (at the time of the meeting).
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Thanks for the full video.

To be fair, his demeanor seems calm at least earlier in the video. afai can tell, the real core of the meeting is about the release of "emergency powers", not simply the emergency broadly. The lawyer that stands the first few times to clarify the rules generally seems to favor the mayor's interpretations of the rules over Hardy's, but at the same time, the mayor starting at around 14:00 looks a lot worse when she seems to get defensive and admits that the rules of contention were drawn up by her arbitrarily. So I still think he's hamming it up but to be fair it seems like the meeting was intentionally designed to become some procedural legalese hellhole where no meaningful meeting would occur, so hamming it up is probably the right way to tear down the obstructions.
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I haven't watched it yet (not sure if I will, maybe I'll skip around) but your summation doesn't shock me. I agree he's milking for optics but I also think genuine hysteria and worry has infiltrated many people and I could imagine how the autistic political process could make emotions boil over like that.

I'm already getting frustrated by people I know IRL who still have a cavalier attitude towards this whole thing. I'm just glad these relaxtards aren't in control of Australia's borders.