Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

Thanks for the shit comparison.

People on social media were angry that during a pandemic people are still going to dog parks where many others are gathered? That's just like this time someone I know got called a hoarder for buying 2 boxes of cereal. :lol:
Our major hardware store has a limit of 4 people in any aisle, but the stupid thing is they close off one end of every second aisle so if you do get caught in one you can't get out anyway. In general their practice isn't too bad and the store being as large as they are have plenty of room but closing off one else of an aisle is just stupid.
Regional Safety manager came out on the jobsite today
Stressed the importance of being at least 6-10 feet apart from each other due to COVUD-19

Then flipped shit at a guy being in a tree without gloves, working a handsaw and we didn't call an all stop.
Dude no fucking kidding
This guy was real uptight about it too. But its good man, it was a good day.

Georgia is still pandering on doing a "full shut down". So far, all local public schools are closed for the rest of the year (2-3 months basically)
My brother is a Safety Manager for a power station. I couldn't work at the place simply because I'd never listen to him :)

Most of this country is essential trips only. They are saying there is only four reasons for going outside, but each of those four reasons has about 10 caveats that go with it which really just confuses people more. This state is on school holidays for another week and a bit and the leaders are saying they still hope to start the school term on time, but it is looking unlikely. Apart from a few very small groups of people most of this country is doing as they have been asked, but how long that lasts is anyone's guess. There is computer nerds in this country who have lived for years in dark basements with their tinfoil hats on who are suddenly getting cabin fever, fuck knows how real people are surviving.
I look at this way; if you're an essential worker, enjoy your outdoor freedom :p
And if you work from home, congrats you've won the new world.
Working form home ain't all that it's cracked up to be. I've been doing it for years and even I get distracted more than I would in an open office environment. I wouldn't want to go back to an open office but I do know I'd get more work done, and done at a less stupid hour.

My wife is actually enjoying going into the office. At this stage she can't work from home because of confidentiality reasons but not only does she not have to put up with me (and to a lesser extent the kids), the office is quiet, work is flat out so they are always busy, and she gets a change of scenery for at least part of the day.
I don't think people are as confused as they're simply just being blasé. If Australia approaches levels of devastation similar to New York, trust me people will suddenly be a lot less "confused" and willing to exploit grey areas. Or they can just get arrested/fined into oblivion, like you say there will always be a % that won't follow rules regardless of how strict penalties are, all the more reason to hit them with penalties and set an example.
"Confused Stupid" might be a better term. There is definitely people who are being blase. There is also some who just don't think rules are made for them, or those who's first thought is how to get around a rule rather than live with it. But when people are given 4 rules for going outside and within 12 hours so many are asking "but is it okay to do this?" it shows people are letting their own stupid confuse them.

I read something before about Australia fast tracking some vaccine twitter called Trump's treatment which Trump haters want banned. Not sure what that was all about though because I gave up reading when it got all political.
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