Coronavirus cases and deaths among UM members

There are shitloads of equipment free workout videos on YouTube. Fitness Blender is the channel I use, they’ve got HIIT, cardio, targeted workouts etc.
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Several businesses, one in Vic and one in Qld have already been fined. Not sure what the fine is in Qld but the restaurant in Melbourne copped $9913.00 for being open Saturday night.

Edit: It's also groups of 2 that aren't from the same house, from the same house you can still go out together.
It's gotta be an April Fools joke surely but McDonalds is saying they are going to start selling milk and bread from the drive thru. They struggle just getting the order right half the time, adding two more items to the order list will just confuse the hell out of the poor staff.
That's why he's not on the forums any more. KFC are only doing drive thru and Jimmy's work has become so busy since he has to fuck up every order.
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Several businesses, one in Vic and one in Qld have already been fined. Not sure what the fine is in Qld but the restaurant in Melbourne copped $9913.00 for being open Saturday night.

Edit: It's also groups of 2 that aren't from the same house, from the same house you can still go out together.
Yeah the restaurant in Melbourne is not far from where I live. Two drunk guys that were apparently friends of the boss wandered in and sat at the bar while the staff were doing takeaway. Staff claim it was bad luck and bad timing and they didn’t know they were there, and the cops reckon the staff were unhelpful and uncooperative with their questioning. Who the hell knows. Cops love to flex newfound powers and desperate business owners probably think they’ll get away with a couple of people sitting at a bar.

A friend of mine got Facebook shamed yesterday for walking his dog and letting it off the leash in an off-leash park where other people were doing the same. The pic shows people standing well apart from each other in groups no bigger than two. Dogs are still allowed to be walked.
It seemed kind of stupid that any restaurant got busted for it with all the publicity and media hunger journos just looking for their 5 minutes of fame with a new story of hype, but like you say, who the hell knows.

I heard that the cops were at a shopping centre in the next town over yesterday stopping every car and checking ID then fining people who were breaking the rules. What actually happened was the cops were doing their usual patrol, saw a Commodore known to them with 7 teenagers in it and they pulled it over to ask them what they were doing. All got off with warnings, including the obvious traffic infringement and 3 had to walk home, but because a bystander only saw what happened and FB is what it is, it got heaps of people whinging at the local cops.

The one I had to laugh at was QLD Marine Authority released a statement on Monday saying the new rules did not allow for people to go fishing in their own boats. By 10pm Monday night the message had been retracted and the rule amended to being allowed to use a boat as a means of transport, and as a means to catch food for your household.
A friend of mine got Facebook shamed yesterday for walking his dog and letting it off the leash in an off-leash park where other people were doing the same. The pic shows people standing well apart from each other in groups no bigger than two. Dogs are still allowed to be walked.

Walked and taken to play at an off-leash dog park are a bit different to be fair, and I've been to enough dog parks to know that if some dogs get into a fight, distancing will have to be violated to break them up.
Walked and taken to play at an off-leash dog park are a bit different to be fair, and I've been to enough dog parks to know that if some dogs get into a fight, distancing will have to be violated to break them up.
Most times I’ve seen any fights between dogs at parks, it’s one dog that gets aggro first and the owner of said dog comes and grabs it and puts it on a leash. Anything more full on and any person trying to get between them runs the risk of getting seriously mauled, let alone catching the covid. There have been no guidelines set re dog walking that I’ve seen, apart from ‘it’s ok to walk your dog’. Lots of dogs need much more exercise than on-leash walking, and most people’s classification of ‘dog walking’ would usually include off-leash exercise.
Anyway the Facebook vigilante’s problem wasn’t even to do with that, it was purely with the people being at the park at the same time even though they were clearly distancing, and she compared it to the scene at Bondi Beach.
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Most times I’ve seen any fights between dogs at parks, it’s one dog that gets aggro first and the owner of said dog comes and grabs it and puts it on a leash. Anything more full on and any person trying to get between them runs the risk of getting seriously mauled, let alone catching the covid. There have been no guidelines set re dog walking that I’ve seen, apart from ‘it’s ok to walk your dog’. Lots of dogs need much more exercise than on-leash walking, and most people’s classification of ‘dog walking’ would usually include off-leash exercise.
Anyway the Facebook vigilante’s problem wasn’t even to do with that, it was purely with the people being at the park at the same time even though they were clearly distancing, and she compared it to the scene at Bondi Beach.

Quick Google search just now shows a few results saying dog parks are being closed. I personally wouldn't interpret "it's okay to walk your dog" to mean "it's okay to gather in public places to unleash your dog" but whatever, I wouldn't take the risk regardless of rules in place.

Seems fucking retarded to me. This thing where people ignore common sense in order to get around the rules and advice so they can change their routines as little as possible is kinda insufferable tbh.
Most times I’ve seen any fights between dogs at parks, it’s one dog that gets aggro first and the owner of said dog comes and grabs it and puts it on a leash. Anything more full on and any person trying to get between them runs the risk of getting seriously mauled, let alone catching the covid. There have been no guidelines set re dog walking that I’ve seen, apart from ‘it’s ok to walk your dog’. Lots of dogs need much more exercise than on-leash walking, and most people’s classification of ‘dog walking’ would usually include off-leash exercise.
Anyway the Facebook vigilante’s problem wasn’t even to do with that, it was purely with the people being at the park at the same time even though they were clearly distancing, and she compared it to the scene at Bondi Beach.

It's a sad but true issue these days. There are too many people, especially on social media who want to get outraged at people who they think are doing the wrong thing, even if they aren't. My cuz got abused in a Darwin Woolies last week because she had 2 packets of cereal and 2 packets of porridge in her trolley. The woman yelled at her for being a hoarder without knowing that my cuz only shops for her and her hubby once a fortnight. it not only shows how quickly some people jump to conclusions without knowing facts but also how they are happy to do it when they are wrong because there is no limitation on buying 2 lots of cereal and 2 packets of porridge.
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I think yelling at someone for buying 2 boxes of cereal vs 1 box is pretty different to getting angry because people are taking their dogs to dog parks during a pandemic because "it's okay to walk your dog" is too vague for their common sense lacking asses.

Like I said multiple times, all for public shaming when the public is acting fucking retarded. Also the attention seems to be making people realise these parks need to be restricted right now, so double bonus.

Walk your dog around the block and go the fuck home.
People getting outraged at what others are doing instead of worrying about themselves. Seems like the same thing to me.
During a pandemic what others do is a threat to the self, especially regarding people amassing in public areas for non-essential reasons. Someone buying 2 boxes of cereal doesn't really reach that level of self-preservation consideration.