CORONER reunion???

I saw this earlier - quite interested to see if they are coming back since they seemed so adamant about not getting back together. I'm hoping they do!
This would be killer, highly underrated band not on many metalheads' radar, never seen 'em live, a US appearance would be astounding.
How cool would it be to have Coroner play Progpower XII!!! I could only image how intense that would be and the crowd they'd draw for the first U.S. appearance there in over 20 years!!!

How cool would it be to have Coroner play Progpower XII!!! I could only image how intense that would be and the crowd they'd draw for the first U.S. appearance there in over 20 years!!!


If this were to happen it would almost guarantee me buying a plane ticket and travelling to the fest. Not many single bands could make me travel that kinda distance, but Coroner could.

I actually think they would make an amazing oddball choice for the fest too. An old school technical thrash band. Very proggy and musical. Hit and miss as a draw for the younger fans but I think they'd dig it once they witnessed them.