Cosmic Atrophy - Strange Death Metal

Jun 4, 2008
Hey everyone, I'd like to let you all know about my band, Cosmic Atrophy. I figured this was a perfect place to promote our music because I am very aware of the general tastes and preferences of this crowd.

We play a sort of style that some people (including me) have described as "Demilich meets Incantation". Especially the former, they are the biggest musical influence for me especially on this project.

Our EP, titled Codex Incubo, is complete. The production phase including the graphical layout is all done, we are just looking for labels now for distribution (hopefully we catch a break soon!).

I appreciate all of your time and comments!

Here is a page where you can view our EP:
Alright, great news! We just agreed on a deal with Suffering Jesus Productions and Metalbolic Records to release the album as a full length sometime in the year! Expect a release date soon, everyone.

Also, we will be appearing on Metalbolic Records' Metalbolic Volume II compilation, if anyone is interested!
