Cosmic Genesis vs. Empiricism

I admit at first I didn't pay much attention to Cosmic Genesis for the lyrics were in English, but after I read them carefully i realised they didn't lose neither poetic value nor beauty and the music is just amazing. It's been in my CD player for months now.
Empiricism, on the other hand, I haven't heard much :blush: I'll do it now.
Originally posted by Lordenlil
Damn... I really really need to listen more to Empiricism. It's cool,
but I just put it away after a short while...

Kick my ass... anyone?? :erk:

*Starts kicking Lordenlil's arse*

Hey! Pick up the album and give it some spinns man!
I put it away myself, but decided to give it a second
try, and man, I'm in love :o)
Tnx, girl
(Damn - that was some hard kicking! Think I broke my ass-bone) :erk: And my arm hurts after you bit me last night.

Yes, I am happy to tell that I did listen to it a lot today, and I am
very satisfied! Thank you very much. :)
Comparing the two are easy on one hand because you have the same singer on both. But it's hard on the other hand because they're different sounds and different feels/moods.
I like both albums a lot. So I have a little comparison like this. We're all human (well, most of us) and we all need a little variety in life. We need civilization as well as the wilderness. I see Borknagar as a concrete building, solid and ominous - as we need the city. Vintersorg is more like the dynamics of nature - as we need the great outdoors.
Both good in their own way, and both good for the type of atmosphere we need to create at that moment. Compared only by a few elements, but separate in their own moods that are reflected by their different appeals.
It's not that Borknagar is related to a city... oh one of little comprehension. I used a comparison of, Borknagar is to a city as Vintersorg is to nature. The relation of the city is to nature, for the sake of comparing Borknagar to Vintersorg. Now go and have a bratwurst!

I'm not patient at all

Now go and have a bratwurst!

NP: Torture? I listen to Vintersorg "V.F.T.S.G." on random 2 keep it from getting boring!
That's rather rude of you, sir :p