Could Time Machines Become Possible??


New Metal Member
Jul 6, 2008
I've been wondering; could a time machine ever become invented??

This thought came from a book excerpt I've read recently from a sci fi book. It was about 3 hunters going back in time to hunt for a T-Rex and kill it, then bring it into the present time to become rich and famous.

I forgot most of it, but someone in the story said something that sort of went like this; If you even touched a leaf in that time, anything that small and minimal, it could change the future forever.

Later in the story, 1 hunter went off the path. They never killed the dinosaur, but when they got to the present time, everything looked terribly misspelled compared to how it originally was. The misbehaving hunter was then shot in the head an killed.

About the question above; my theory is NO. This is because there are no materials known, besides a plane or jet, etc; which can take you into a different time zone; that can send you so fast, you can even go 1 nanosecond into the past or future. It's not possible

Thoughts?? Discuss!
If time machines were possible, we would have people visiting us from the future. It doesn't seem to be possible. To be fair, there have been several known incidents of someone claiming to be from the future, but without any credible evidence.

Then there are Time travel paradoxes; if I went in the past and killed myself, would that be impossible or would it create a parallel universe. I personally don't believe in parallel universes or infinite alternate realities.

If you want to see an interesting recent time travel movie you should see Primer.
According to General Relativity, no, time travel is not possible. You would have to travel faster than light. Granted, we haven't even reconciled GR with quantum mechanics, so I don't want to say it's impossible.

However, if you get into a spaceship that goes about 99.999999999% the speed of light for a few seconds, you would be thousands/millions/billions of years in the future relative to the planet/star you left from.
If time machines were possible, we would have people visiting us from the future. It doesn't seem to be possible. To be fair, there have been several known incidents of someone claiming to be from the future, but without any credible evidence.

Then there are Time travel paradoxes; if I went in the past and killed myself, would that be impossible or would it create a parallel universe. I personally don't believe in parallel universes or infinite alternate realities.

If you want to see an interesting recent time travel movie you should see Primer.

wouldn't the act of the time travel itself cause the creation of the parelel universes/infinite alternate realities?
I do not believe time travel is possible.
Past, Present, and Future are all merely concepts, existing only in our minds, so other than finding some way to alter your conscious perception of reality to such an extent that you believe that you are at a different point in time it is quite impossible in my opinion.:Smokin:
I'm not sure what drugs you would use to accomplish such a thing though; I have had first-hand experience with drugs that alter your perception of the passage of time, but nothing as of yet to have such a drastic effect on me as to make me believe I was "time traveling".
I do not believe time travel is possible.
Past, Present, and Future are all merely concepts, existing only in our minds, so other than finding some way to alter your conscious perception of reality to such an extent that you believe that you are at a different point in time it is quite impossible in my opinion.:Smokin:
I'm not sure what drugs you would use to accomplish such a thing though; I have had first-hand experience with drugs that alter your perception of the passage of time, but nothing as of yet to have such a drastic effect on me as to make me believe I was "time traveling".

I've yet to do that :Smug:

But It still wouldn't be possible of course. It probably would just enhance your theories on it.
I do not believe time travel is possible.
Past, Present, and Future are all merely concepts, existing only in our minds, so other than finding some way to alter your conscious perception of reality to such an extent that you believe that you are at a different point in time it is quite impossible in my opinion.:Smokin:

By the same logic, sex, violence, and babbling on forums are all 'merely concepts, existing only in our minds' - yet we have no problem agreeing that they are in some sense 'occurring'. The stuff that we call 'the universe' has a handy way of being able to alter our conscious perception of reality. We need only find ways of making this happen. In sum, I don't think you actually said anything at all :p
its possible. something about the speed and distance one has to go and thats for traveling into the future but going to the past will never be possible, i think.
I do not believe time travel is possible.
Past, Present, and Future are all merely concepts, existing only in our minds, so other than finding some way to alter your conscious perception of reality to such an extent that you believe that you are at a different point in time it is quite impossible in my opinion.:Smokin:
I'm not sure what drugs you would use to accomplish such a thing though; I have had first-hand experience with drugs that alter your perception of the passage of time, but nothing as of yet to have such a drastic effect on me as to make me believe I was "time traveling".

I disagree. Time Travel is about physically travelling to a different period in time. Time is not just a concept.

Time Travel theories have nothing to do with drugs, although there are drugs that can alter your perception of the passage of time.
All we have of the past is memory. That's the thing with time, it pushes forward, but never backwards.

To travel to the past would be impossible. The future isn't far away. To think that you age differently in space, and traveling at certain speeds in space can alter the time difference to your own planet, then yes, you could potentially travel to the future, with no means of being able to return.
I've been wondering; could a time machine ever become invented??

This thought came from a book excerpt I've read recently from a sci fi book. It was about 3 hunters going back in time to hunt for a T-Rex and kill it, then bring it into the present time to become rich and famous.

I forgot most of it, but someone in the story said something that sort of went like this; If you even touched a leaf in that time, anything that small and minimal, it could change the future forever.

Later in the story, 1 hunter went off the path. They never killed the dinosaur, but when they got to the present time, everything looked terribly misspelled compared to how it originally was. The misbehaving hunter was then shot in the head an killed.

About the question above; my theory is NO. This is because there are no materials known, besides a plane or jet, etc; which can take you into a different time zone; that can send you so fast, you can even go 1 nanosecond into the past or future. It's not possible

Thoughts?? Discuss!

fuckin yes! :worship:
Hi there all of you!!


I've found an interesting Discovery Channel's documentary on youtube, about this topic...

There you go, the first part of it (go to youtube and watch the complete documentary)...

Enjoy it!! Then we can discuss it... :kickass:
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