Could use Your Input on Best Mosh Pit Songs to Play Live

Any Dying Fetus song will get people started, and Exodus - The Toxic Waltz should work, I know because I was in a Exodus mosh pit when they played that song, and when Dying Fetus played, pretty much every song got a decent pit xD
DestroyTheCollossus - What I want to do is play a kick ass cover THAN GO RIGHT INTO one of our originals with about the same grove. The worst thing an unknown band like us can do is announce "we are going to play one of our songs and gee wiz, I hope you like it" That's a que to head for the bathroom. Fuck that -- we'll go right from "Caught in a Mosh" from Anthrax to one of our thrash metal songs without the song introduction. That way, the kids will be thinking it's some new (hopefully cool) metal song from a big band. Then say "I see you liked that song - we'll It's one of ours" "you can pick up our CD after the show, yada yada yada"
Hell, I go to some all ages nights at House of Blues in LA, and the kids are moshing to Judas Priest!!. It's all about the timing and balance of originals and covers. We only have 50 min, so we gotta keep the whole show in high gear!!

But your right, DetroyTheCollossus - Soon, we hope to go all originals.
The worst thing an unknown band like us can do is announce "we are going to play one of our songs and gee wiz, I hope you like it"

We only have 50 min, so we gotta keep the whole show in high gear!!

50 minutes is a long set. Especially for a band that isn't established enough to play all originals (unless your a bar band or something). Normally bands like that would get 20 minute sets, maybe 30.

As far as the playing covers, I get what your saying that you want to catch their attention with a song they know. But I am much more impressed by smaller bands that own their originals, and approach playing live as if they were a professional band. If your singer introduces your songs like in your quote, of course its not going to go well. It would sound like you are unsure of whether your material is good or not. But I think approaching it with confidence, such as "This song is called *insert song name here*! I want to see a pit from wall to fucking wall!" and then backing it up with a solid performance, no one would ever miss a cover, and people would start to remember your band for your band, not for the anthrax cover you played at that one show.
seriously? no mention of lamb of god's REDNECK?

or pantera's FUCKING HOSTILE????????????

maybe the two most violent songs ever written!
Thanks, so far for everone's suggestions. We will do anywhere from 20 to 50 mins, so need to be ready for anything. No "Racist Metal" though
Thanks, destroythecollosus for you suggestions
Keep 'em coming
Craziest pits I've ever been in were Primus shows in the Bay Area in the early 90's, but doubt you want to cover any of their stuff...
Also, you might get a helluva reaction out of some early Rage stuff or (one of my favorite bands) Ministry (The Missing, Stigmata, The Diety, etc...).
The biggest moshpit I have ever been into was with Refuse/Resist by Sepultura.

My thrash cover band used to blow the roof off any place we played with "Refuse / Resist" from Sepultura sooooooo ....

+1 for that

"Raining Blood" from Slayer was always another awesome one for us

"Into the Pit" from Testament

"Powersurge" & "Deny The Cross" also work great

"Fucking Hostile" & "New Level" from Pantera always crushed

one more that we used to love playing was "Milk" the Anthrax version
A little bit of a departure from the Thrash/Death Metal pit choices, but Dope- "Die MF Die/Burn" would def get the crowd going. Even some Fear Factory like "Scapegoat" would be pretty sick too.
You could always play Iced Earth- "Violate" too (The outro is a little sluggish but everything up until then is def pit worthy)
Thanks for all of your suggestions so far. We might be playing House of Blues in Anaheim (Disneyland) soon, and the irony is, athough they allow pitting, they frown on the cussing (all ages can enter). I would love to see a costumed Micky Mouse or Goofy "caught in a mosh", lol