Could you comment on this mix? (Engl Powerball)


They call me Juha
May 15, 2005
Espoo, Finland
Alright, just did a quickie song, which turned out to be quite grindcore - though the time signatures vary a little more to the progressive side ;) (2.0 MB)

Engl Powerball with four guitar tracks, one set panned 100% and second 75%. Bass is mostly-clean channel guitar pitch shifted and processed to bejesus ;) Drums are original Drumkit from Hell (multi format) with my own kick drum and 70% Andy's snare/30% original snare.

Badass dude, the guitar tone sounds really nice - the bass seems to sit in there really well too. I just started using DFH2 myself, so I can't comment much on drums until I do more experimenting myself. Overall the drums sounds good to me, maybe the part with the quick closed hihat and snare before the blastbeats could use some tweaking? That parts sounds weird to me, but maybe you were going for that kind of feel. Anyway, killer playing and I dig the tune - reminds me of Behemoth a little bit actually. :headbang: