Could you comment on this mix?

Actualy may be the problem is not in how much is the treble, but how it sounds... it's really strange. Did you totaly cut the lows in the overs?

EXCEPT this, it sounds great! Great guitars, synths, drums etc.

What is the guitar chain?
And the drums?

Good work!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
The only EQ thing I did was to roll off below 80 Hz and above 8 kHz on the guitars. No overheads, it's a drum machine :lol: LM-7 drumagoged with Andy's samples for kick & snare, and other drums with ns_kit7.

Guitar chain:

Powerball --> SM57 --> Behringer MX602A --> M-Audio Audiophile 2496 --> Nuendo

I recorded four guitar tracks for this song (usually two :p), with these settings on the Powerball (Engl Vintage 2x12" cab).

Guitar 1 & 2 (100% L/R): Lo Lead (Bottom: On), Gain 2, Bass 2.5, Mid-Focused 10, Treble 8, Presence 7.5, Depth Punch 6
Guitar 3 & 4 (80% L/R): Lo Lead (Bottom: On), Gain 2, Bass 2.5, Mid-Focused 0, Treble 8, Presence 7.5, Depth Punch 6

And for the right-panned guitars, I turned the tone knob on my guitar about one tenth.
I noticed that ns_kit7 cymbals are very very bright... I think you should put a high shelve eq.
I'll give it a shot, though I already fiddled a bit with EQing the cymbals, they started to sound very bad after that though :/ I guess I should look for some other cymbals, since I don't like them all that much anyways, but still they're the best I've heard so far.
I agree with it being to sharp/trebly on the drums.. what would probably cause the rest of the mix ending up that way as well..

However, the guitars, they sound amazing!! again, maybe too much treble, but they sound really good Tornio.. real good..
I love the whole structure as well.. good stuff!
Yeah, I just finished adjusting the sounds to perfection :) I guess it mostly came from the cymbals just like Burny said. I toned them down while referencing to Scar Symmetry's new album and now they sound mighty fine :) I'll post an updated song soon for comparision.