Opinion on my grindcore mix


I See No Civilization
Apr 10, 2011
So this is a little old now and I have one that I'm a bit happier with but I'd still like to get some opinions on this one since it was my starting point.

EDIT: And here's a mix from 4/22: http://subvertallmedia.com/mixes/unrest/youtake-1644-42211.mp3 added after all comments before my post that also includes this link.

The newer mix has more bite from the guitars by a slight boost in the 5k area, a Trigger-replaced kick that sounds better and is more consistent, a more defined bass (slight cut at... I think it was 3k or 7k in the guitars, boosted bass), and all the drums were run through two stages of console/tape saturation with Nebula so they're bigger and cymbals are smoother, airier.
I like the song and I think the production fits it well. I wish i saw more threads like this pop up and not all this deathcore bull. Any info (pres, mics, signal chain) would be appreciated.
It's 2011! I can stream a WAV in realtime from my toaster oven. (But OK, next time will be a big, stupid, 320 mp3.)

Thanks guys. The vocals actually received the least amount of attention because those are scratch takes. We hadn't finished lyrics so we did demo vocals a few nights over the course of a few weeks and we're going to spend a day rerecording for consistency.

Drums are a Pearl Session Studio from about 2003, Pearl Ultracast snare, Sabian crashes, ride, china, Paiste hats.

Kick - sample of a friend's amazingly tuned kick, D112 into my Soundtracs MIDI PC 16 (AKA the board)
Snare - SM57 top into GAP Pre 73, Beta 57 bottom into the board
Overheads - Oktava MK012s to BLA Auteur
Room - Royer 121 to the board
Toms 1 and 2 are MD421s to the board
Tom 3 is a sample of my floor tom using an MD421 to the board

All guitars were a Jackson Rhoads RR1 into a really heavily modded JCM 2000 going through a Mesa 2x12. Four tracks, two left, two right, all Royer 121 mixed with SM57, both through the Auteur.

Bass is a really horrible off-brand model into... I can't remember. I think it was an Ampeg head into a Sunn 2x15 and mics were SM7 and a D112. I honestly can't remember whether they were both Auteur or one was Pre 73.

Everything into a MOTU HD192. Everything has been put through a Nebula console input at the very least. Drums did two rounds of console/tape/console cause... it's a long story. Made a huge difference though. Guitars have a Nebula tape effect on them, too.

I'm drums and almost all the vocals in this recording. Band is Unrest. It looks like the album will be out later this year on one of the bigger labels... Can't say who though! ;-)
It's unmastered. Turn up your speakers. Headroom is key, dawg.

Updating the original post with an MP3 of a mix from last night. Here it is, too: http://subvertallmedia.com/mixes/unrest/youtake-1644-42211.mp3

Issues with this seem like a lot but they're all minor:
-I messed up the compression on the toms so they're kind of... not there all the time.
-Need to compress the snare a bit more to even it out.
-Overheads could be a little higher.
-The toms and snare clip a little bit cause I'm hitting a Nebula EQ a bit too hard. Will fix that by just lowering the input on the plugin.
-Vocals aren't quite right.

All little things. I'm happier. Feedback is very welcome.