I wouldn't really go for the bands. I'd go for the experience, and to compare PPUSA to PPEU atmosphere-wise :)

I'm gonna try get over there next year. They announce next years line up on the Friday this year so it means 12 months to save up and prepare. Would be nice to have at least 50% of the bands after my taste, if not i'm sure it's gonna be a fun experience anyway. And, PPUSA is the only PP left that i haven't been to so that's a reason as well. :p

Then I vote for being there at the sunday afterparty so we can properly say goodbye to you for once on monday, instead of having to get up at some ungodly hour after being completely smashed only hours earlier :p
How much more expensive would beer from the ferry be, compared to beer from the danish mainland? Might be worth the trouble of not having the hassle of going to the supermarket in Baarlo and finding someone (that would stay sober enough) to transport all that booze back to the castle :p

I expect Leon will still go by car, otherwise their is my friend Michel who drives each day from Heerlen to Baarlo. So transport can be arranged.
Hey Cello!
It looks like I will have to use the same time schedule as last year, which means I will make a stop at the Border Shop. Send your wish list in time :)

If the prices don't vary too much from last year, I'll have the same (which was two trays of carlsberg, if I'm not mistaken)