Cover of Shinedown - My Name (Wearing Me Out) (LTD H-1007+AXE FX)


Apr 27, 2010
Sevilla, Spain

Here I bring you my latest cover. It´s Shinedown´s My Name (Wearing Me Out) from Amaryllis, their latest album. Sorry for some out of sync, but Youtube messed up the audio of the videos I uploaded...

I had to down tune it a whole step, as it was to high for me to sing (and some notes still are...)

I played guitar and bass (both through an AXE FX Standard) and programmed drums and synths.

Hope you like it, and any feedback and constructive criticism is welcomed.
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Wow, serious vocals there dude, what mic is that? and do you mind saying what you did to the vocals plugins wise?
Thanks a lot, Clarbaden.

I don´t consider myself a vocalist, but I try to do as good as I can.

The vocals were treated with a chain of plugins in their own tracks (separating the low voice, the high voice, and the chorus voice) and then aplying one group track to all of it.

The tracks basically use Cubase Compressor, PSP Vintage Warmer and a little Cubase reverb and delay (very little). The chorus track has also a Cloner effect, but I sang 3 times the main vocal and 4 tracks for chorus vocals, which were drier.

The vocal group uses Cubase Dynamics, also another Vintage Warmer, Sonic Maximizer, Cubase Reverb and Double Delay (these two are applied in the group track because it´s a stereo one and adds some width to the vocals)

Also applied some eqing but it was minor (some cuts in the high frequencies for the s and for the chorus to lay back)

Hope it helps!
Hey, Shredder, sorry, I was replying to Clarbaden.

Glad you liked it so much, man! I used an AXE Standard for both guitars and bass. Used mainly a Bogner Uberschall sim and added another couple of tracks using an Engl Powerball sim, mostly on the chorus section. The kick is a mix between the main one in Metal Foundry and the main one in Metal Machine, with some plugins applied to it.

Thanks, man!
I'd say that your song is better mixed than the original one!

I hate what they did with Amaryllis. So mid-focused. lack of bass, lack of heaviness. Hate the guitar tones too.
The sound of madness is way better.

Am I the only one?
Hey, Dioh, thanks a lot for your words! I really loved Shinedown when they edited Leave A Whisper, but Amaryllis is a better album than the last ones. And also appreciate that you think my recording is better mixed than the original one, wow!

It´s true that Amaryllis sounds on the soft side, but it doesn´t sound bad, though the rythm section y a less powerful than it should...

Here you have the main AXE Patch (the Uberschall one): Uberschall.syx Hope it helps!

Shredder and Clarbaden, you´re welcome and I always try to help as much as I can.
definately a great sounding mix AND a nice video :p
Good balance overall. Really decent vocals. Maybe with lesson you'd be able to sing it in the original tonality but Brent is such a great singer! :p

Would you mind sharing details regarding the synth? I'm such a noob when it comes to synth and that's the kind of ambiance id like to add to my mixes.

Thanks a lot, man!

Glad you liked both the mix and the video, as I put a lot of effort into the two of them.

Also appreciate your comments on my vocals. I think Brent is a huge singer, so I´m sure I won´t get near him even with lessons, but I would like to take them to try to improve my technique and vocal range.

Synths are both from Vanguard. One is a deep bass (which I had to low-cut, because was too bassy) and the other one is a lead one, quite percussive and using two saws and one sine, apart from other setting, but nothing too fancy. Also I applied some reverb and delay to them.

Hope it helps and thanks for your words!
I do like a bit of shinedown, and this is a quality cover. Really good sound overall and great vocal work. :headbang:
Thanks a lot, Afxwinter! I appreciate your words, as I tried to make it sound as beeffy as I could.

K Odell, thanks, man! Brent was awesome when they released Leave A Whisper. I saw a lot of live videos and he did an amazing job, but lately, he lost some of his magic...Hope he gets it back.