Cover Songs

1349 - Buried By Time And Dust (Mayhem)
Emperor - A Fine Day To Die (Bathory)
Emperor - Cromlech (Darkthrone)
Metallica - Am I Evil? (Diamond Head)
Burden Of Grief - Master Of Puppets
Johnny Cash - Hurt (NiN cover)
Tori Amos - Raining Blood (Slayer cover)
Type O Negative - Summer Breeze (Seals and Crofts)
- Paranoid (Black Sabbath)
- Black Sabbath (Black Sabbath, re-written from Satan's point of view)

Deathcrush! All 200 odd versions, its so hard to pick just one.
Good pick Sabin with the Summer Breeze, one of my favorite covers ever.
Few more of my fav's: Death-Painkiller(Priest cover)
Tool-No Quarter(Zeppelin cover)
Soulfly-Under The Sun(Sabbath cover)
Pantera-Planet Caravan(Sabbath cover)
They recorded one, but decided it sucked (even too much for TON standards) so left it off. It will probubly pop up in the future like a lot of their other covers they have not placed on an album (highway star and light my fire pop to mind)
Probably, hes a better guitarist then he and others give himself credit for, you need to acknowledge that he does not actually write the music, its all composed by Peter so he doesn't get to show off what he can do so much, not that he wants to which is the other point that he does not give a shit about technical playing.

Still I am looking forward to Seventh Void, Kenny and Johnny's side project band, it will be interesting to see what they decide to do without Peter and Josh controlling the process.