Covers of death metal songs with clean vocals?


Wise in the ways of metal
Nov 10, 2002
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We have all heard on various tribute albums classic metal songs covered by death metal bands and singing the songs with death metal growls. Dio, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden tribute albums come to mind.
My question is: has the opposite ever happened? A death metal song covered by a "clean vocal" metal band and singing the song with clean vocals? And would this make the song no longer death metal? Discuss.
I don't know any situation like that either. But that I'll love to. Everybody knows here that waht set me off death/black are the vocals, thus I do like Charred Walls Of The Damned.

I would love to have Death albums (specially the last ones) with clean vocals, I think the band is awsome but Chuck (RIP)'s vocals set me off. Another example will be 'Staring Through The Eys Of The Dead' by Cannibal Corpse, I think it'll do for me with clean vocals or Arch Enemy entire catalog :lol:
If that would work I would have had my hair by now dragging on the ground!! :loco:

So you can safely say it has been empirically tested and proven wrong! ;)


Bald 2- Larry 0