CPU problems... more RAM?


John - Spiralcove
Mar 21, 2009
Hey guys,

I'm running Protools 7.4 on a Mac G5 quadcore 2.5 gHz with 4 gigs of RAM. I recently head some RTAS CPU problems with big project. I don't want to upgrade to a new Mac (yet).

Would expanding my RAM to 6 or 8 gigs be a solution?

If it is CPU problems then it is CPU problems not RAM problems.
Most of the time adding more RAM just solves too frequent HDD swapping.
OK, thanks. I have to fiddle some more with the settings in PT to avoid these problems. I hoped I got solve it with a couple more RAM gigs, but I'm afraid I've reached the maximum possibilities of my Mac after some years....
Hey guys,

I'm running Protools 7.4 on a Mac G5 quadcore 2.5 gHz with 4 gigs of RAM. I recently head some RTAS CPU problems with big project. I don't want to upgrade to a new Mac (yet).

Would expanding my RAM to 6 or 8 gigs be a solution?

There's your problem; but 7.4 on a G5 should be fine. just try and be conservative with your plug ins and "freeze" where possible
Plug in use is an issue indeed... last project I bounced the processed bass guitar and some guitar tracks with plugins en used the bounced tracks instead of the plugin tracks. That just did the trick. Only thing is I can't tweak those chanels anymore, but I already had the final sounds for those tracks...

Upgrading to a new Mac is on my wishlist, as a lot of other stuff... ;-)