Cradle of Filth vs Iced Earth


New Metal Member
Jun 14, 2003
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Witch is better. The Iced Earth version of Hallowed be thy name or the Cradle of Filth version. I adore both but find it difficult to place one of the other. Both have their own feeling and soul. Please help. :hotjump:
iced earth's is a tribute, while cof's is a cover. cof is a sucky band that tried to make an amazing song their own, while iced earth is a great band that paid tribute to a great band.. and did an awesome tribute in the process.

Iced Earth wins.
CoF did the song better than both IE and Iron Maiden. It's a great song, but it's a fucking dark song and CoF was able to bring that atmosphere of impending doom. Iron maiden's just sounds gay next to it... way too happy.
I can't stand the begining of IE's version... it sounds so... blergh, I dunno why Barlow sounds really oafish there, but in the screamy parts it gets r0x0ring. The CoF version sounds kinda funny though. it's more of a novelty, But I gues I kinda like it better. The Iron Maiden One Overall kicks ass.
Cradle Of Filth hands down. They put their filthy little twist on it and I think did an excellent job with it. Although Iced Earth still did a respectable version, it's too close to the original and if I wanted that, I'd break out the Iron Maiden.
IE are one of my favourite bands, and I don't care that much for CoF at all, but I would have to say that I prefer the CoF cover. IE's sounds similar the original, and I much prefer the original, so I would never listen to the IE version. CoF's version is an interesting take on a classic with a personal twist, which I like, and think it makes for a good cover.