Cradle Of Filth


New Metal Member
Oct 5, 2006
Beneath The Howling Stars
Ok, this thread is for people who actually like Cradle Of Filth or those who have heard a few songs and aren't sure or any general discussion of the band and it's members.
Don't bother coming here just to slate them.

To start the thread:
What do you think of Thornography? If you havnt heard it then bitch about it
dude... :erk: just cuz you like band, it doenst mean that you have to start a threat for them :erk:
GhostOfBodom said:
Don't bother coming here just to slate them.

We don't care about the fact that you hate them. Or how much they suck. Yes, they suck so much that they are able to live better than probably all of us here on the boards...
Vikk Cavanagh said:
dude... :erk: just cuz you like band, it doenst mean that you have to start a threat for them :erk:

are you threatening them vikk? :lol:
Kayos said:
We don't care about the fact that you hate them. Or how much they suck. Yes, they suck so much that they are able to live better than probably all of us here on the boards...
he is saying he likes them,not hates them
Vikk Cavanagh said:
dude... :erk: just cuz you like band, it doenst mean that you have to start a threat for them :erk:
I know that but I want a discussion on them because it will make a change from all the other less ingaging threads and maybe I want to include Lady_Laiho unlike everyone else. Is there anything wrong with that?
And anyway if you want to come and give your opinions as well then you can just dont make it really childish and "Cradle Of Filth suck balls" or "Cradle Of Filth are gay" at least make it vaguely intelligent.
GhostOfBodom said:
I know that but I want a discussion on them because it will make a change from all the other less ingaging threads and maybe I want to include Lady_Laiho unlike everyone else. Is there anything wrong with that?
And anyway if you want to come and give your opinions as well then you can just dont make it really childish and "Cradle Of Filth suck balls" or "Cradle Of Filth are gay" at least make it vaguely intelligent.

how old are you?
cause the devil is a looooooser and he's myyyy bitchhhhhhh
Hell yeah!!! A thread about the best band in the world! Well, i think Dani's vocals and lyrics are fuckin awsome! He can do a lot with his vocals. I don't think any other band can shriek the way he does. The variation in his vocal style is good too. Sometimes it's screetchy other times it's whispery. And his growls are pretty good. Here, I made a poem about his vocals:

Bewitched by your dark immortal screams
Possessing more than evil can be
Not even Hades himself can see
That hell ins nothing compared to what he wreaks
To demonic and brutal for all the weak
His deafning, sharp, blood-curdling shrieks
So devilish and impure , yet it is the cure to putting the life in me
Enchanting me with his vile shrills
Which hold not one flaw......
Lady_Laiho said:
Hell yeah!!! A thread about the best band in the world! Well, i think Dani's vocals and lyrics are fuckin awsome! He can do a lot with his vocals. I don't think any other band can shriek the way he does. The variation in his vocal style is good too. Sometimes it's screetchy other times it's whispery. And his growls are pretty good. Here, I made a poem about his vocals:

Bewitched by your dark immortal screams
Possessing more than evil can be
Not even Hades himself can see
That hell ins nothing compared to what he wreaks
To demonic and brutal for all the weak
His deafning, sharp, blood-curdling shrieks
So devilish and impure , yet it is the cure to putting the life in me
Enchanting me with his vile shrills
Which hold not one flaw......


you dont like CoB anymore? :worship: :worship: :worship:
GhostOfBodom said:
Is it a particularly childish thing to want to talk about a band you like?

no, i don't like to argue 15 years old, that OMG-I-LOVE-*puts band name here*

exemple: Lady_laiho
Dimmu Borgir and My Chemical Romance fans
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how can anyone even have one favourite band? there's too much music out there, and listing one set band as a fav totally cuts you off :-/
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Soy: I love Bodom, but Cradle have alwayz been #1. It's possible to have one fave band. I'v listened to a lot of black metals bands like Sargeist, Leviathan, Mayhem, Dark Funeral, Darkthrone, Enslaved, etc. and cradle have been the best.