Cradle Of Filth

Fucking hell.
My comp has been broken today and its only just working but it's amazing that this thread is goin (albeit with people not actually talking about Cradle).
I've been given negative rep for liking the band as well. Not that i actually give two shits about it i just find it funny that people judge me because i like a band they dont. If you dont like Cradle Of Filth the dont post in this thread unless you actually have something intelligent to say.
AAAAnyway, bitching over. How many people have actually got Thornography yet?
mooDoom said:
Ordered it, should be getting it by the end of the week. But I got it on mp3. With the exemption of Temptation, I think it is a really good album.

I'm not sure what to think of it yet. I've listened to it almost constantly since buying and i can't make my mind up. It all seems a bit rushed to me missing out the keyboard intros/interludes/breakdowns and it sounds a bit pansy assed even compared to nymphetamine. It could be a lot worse though. It's one saving grace is that Temptation wasn't written by them.
mooDoom said:
I think that the album could have been better, but there are songs like I am The Thorn, Rise of The Pentagram, Under Huntress Moon, Lovesick for Mina and Libertina Grimm that are great, and the intro Under Pregnant Skies is easily one of their best ever.

True they are good songs but i couldn't say that i liked any one song better than any other as they are all somewhat unspecial. There isn't a song that I could particularly remember after listening to it. Apart from Feotus Of A New Day Kicking because I listened to it from their website constantly and Temptation because it was so shit. I'm not saying its a bad album either although it is their worst. It needed to have a bit more time spent on it filling it out with some more keyboard parts. The fact that Dani has taken to singing gives it an extra dimension compared to their other albums but not en to equal any of them.