Cradle of Filth


Sep 9, 2006
I've gotten into the gothic metal band Cradle of Filth, liking mostly the newer stuff I've heard, I'm interested in getting Damnation And a Day, Midian, and Nymphetamine and would probbaly get DOAD out of the list but what Cradle of Filth CD's would yuo recommend me?
^I know, the songs I heard off it were decent at best(Thornography), a girl from UM recommended I get Lovecraft and Witchearts, what do you all think of that?
Best albums by COF are....

Dusk and Her Embrace
Cruelty and the Beast
Bitter suites to Succubi

*don't get LOVECRAFTAND WITCHFARTS, get the full length albums to get the full fix.
Dusk And Her Embrace and Cruelty And The Beast

Those would definitely be my favorites. I have a huge soft spot for CoF & I even went to see them a few weeks ago. I haven't listened to them in awhile though.

V Empire is a good EP. I don't give a shit what people think, but I like Nymphetamine. Nymphetamine was the album that got me into them. I only started listening to them about two years ago though tops. Before that I was totally uninterested in them.
I'm leaning towards getting the older stuff and Damnation and a Day and Bitter Suites to Succubi sometime soon., probbaly the latter 2 sooner.
Damnation and a Day is better than Thornography, but you should probably stay away from it. Midian makes a decent enough first impression but has no replay value.

Dusk... And Her Embrace
V Empire (EP)
Cruelty and the Beast
Bitter Suites to Succubi

Also, don't look to reviewers for too much help. A lot of people hate this band & give them biased shitty reviews. You're the only person that can determine if YOU like them, but I think my list is their best stuff by far
you can do MUCH better than CoF.
there are dozens of bands out there with better music than CoF, and thousands of vocalists better than Danni Filth, who is, it should be noted, teh suck.

If you consider CoF to be symphonic black (which they aren't, really, but there isn't a type of metal called 'gay 14-year old fanbase black metal' then I suggest Tvangeste (best vocals evar), Bal-Sagoth, Dimmu Borgir, Arthemesia (just got into them, they're good), Anorexia Nervosa, Graveworm, and Diabolical Masquerade (who aren't amazing, but are much better than CoF)
thats just a few bands off the top of my head. but really. you will look back on this period of your life and laugh at yourself for liking CoF
'gay 14-year old fanbase black metal'

I could really care less what their fans look like, act like, wear, their age, their stereotype, ect. A band's fans or whatever don't have shit to do with the way I would rate their music. I don't think they're a great band necessarily, but they're definitely different have written some good songs.

I'm 23. I have short hair now (after having long hair for years) & I don't dress to draw attention to myself. I actually have a pretty neat appearance most of the time. I wear jeans & button down shits & I do security for a living. I do not fit this dreaded Cradle of Filth stereotype AT ALL.

If you want a band much better than Cradle of Filth check out Graveworm.
I could really care less what their fans look like, act like, wear, their age, their stereotype, ect. A band's fans or whatever don't have shit to do with the way I would rate their music. I don't think they're a great band necessarily, but they're definitely different have written some good songs.

I'm 23. I have short hair now (after having long hair for years) & I don't dress to draw attention to myself. I actually have a pretty neat appearance most of the time. I wear jeans & button down shits & I do security for a living. I do not fit this dreaded Cradle of Filth stereotype AT ALL.

If you want a band much better than Cradle of Filth check out Graveworm.

ok congratulations...