"credecne" cover.......me and Mancuz...!!!!......please listen..!!


May 4, 2004
Yes us Opethians are at it again.........I love this song............so we decided to cover it...........let us kno wwaht u think.........Music by Mancuz and Vox by me..........Hope u enjoy it........We are takin a break from Mellow opeth for a while........we'll be back with some heavy stuff soon......until then ......listne to this and let u skno waht u think.............PEAC EOUT


waz416 said:
Yes us Opethians are at it again.........I love this song............so we decided to cover it...........let us kno wwaht u think.........Music by Mancuz and Vox by me..........Hope u enjoy it........We are takin a break from Mellow opeth for a while........we'll be back with some heavy stuff soon......until then ......listne to this and let u skno waht u think.............PEAC EOUT


this has to be some of the most careless spelling effort ever... and its the same on that website as well :D


by the way, i like the work on vox, you have a nice voice
Dude, the song was really good, your voice is nice, but for fuck's sake, go back to school and take typing class. Shit man, I have never read something so fucking horrible, every sentence on your site has atleast one MAJOR spelling or grammatical error, and why the hell do you put fucking ellipses after every three words??!?!? Sorry, Im real pissed off right now, but really nice cover.
thats really good...great voice!!! pretty good guitar playing....your vox came in a bit early around 3:40, but oh well...you fixed that the lead guitar is a bit sharp at the end...but, once again, not a big deal...but damn, nice job.
JoeVice said:
thats really good...great voice!!! pretty good guitar playing....your vox came in a bit early around 3:40, but oh well...you fixed that the lead guitar is a bit sharp at the end...but, once again, not a big deal...but damn, nice job.

this guy likes waz so much he's imitating his style
This is a blatant disregard for the laws of english, once again.

Int said:
What you fail to realise is that the most immediate and obvious way one can judge someone's intelligence on an internet forum is by looking at how they put across their points. If you're bad at spelling and use shitty grammar, you look like a moron; further, spelling badly and using poor grammar on purpose because it's 'just a metal forum' is willful ignorance, and that's even worse.

He even spelled Credence wrong in the thread title :err:
thanks for the replies guys, im glad you like it! ....And waz....maybe you should leave the typing to me from now on :loco:

P.S. you can find our earlier opeth covers by scrolling down through the billions of songs on waz's page.
yeah you may not be too talented in the literacy department but hell thats a fucking good cover!...nice vocals and that one guy plays all the instruments?...top effort *applauds*
OpethNZ said:
yeah you may not be too talented in the literacy department but hell thats a fucking good cover!...nice vocals and that one guy plays all the instruments?...top effort *applauds*

Yep all guitars are played by me...vocals were by waz...the drums and bass were midi, using guitar pro though.
Conservatory Resonance said:
awesome voice man, could listen to it all day

how long u been singing for?

Thanx for teh complioents...adn yeah Ive been singign for well I alwyas used to sing....since I wa s kid.........but It got serious in High skoool......so I guess for the last 8 years or so...Hahahaha............Keep the feedback comin........PEAC EOUT
this vocals are godly. and after as much Guitar Pro usage as I have gone through you really don't mind this rhythm section sound. Nice guitar diddling too. Good job. Cover A Fair Judgement next