Creepy Guy

this fag should join the board so miss attention whore and him can be the new chris and mario/marie/bullet whatever dream team
Is the free salad really worth it? Fuck sakes :lol:
You whore :lol:
Too bad he doesn't work at a steak and mashed potato Shoppe, which there needs to be more of.
The latter part is true.
I think Shannon got raped and her body is probably at the bottom of some random river or in CG's freezer, ready to be eaten whenever he wants.
No rape. and according to CG I'm "too dark an entity" for him to ever consider sacrificing.
You didn't let me know! I could have cockblocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nik.... For real.... he would completely block you out. You have a vagina therefore you are not competition. This guy is a seriously dense creature.
Admit it, you just love the attention.
i fail to see the fun part... this is just for the free salad? who the fuck eats grass anyway, if only was a barbecue restaurant
I had a plan of action for that particular night which, if it had followed through, would have been fun for the board... otherwise nothing's fun about it. and as far as food goes I'm a part time vegetarian now so I actually eat very minimal meat.
I don't know why are you always making thread like this one, all of them related with men and it looks like if you were starving on you know..., or it is just an urge you have ?

I have nothing against you, but maybe you are very open minded.
To the first part, I assume you mean that I have an insecurity, that I'm promiscuous/need attention from men/etc... well no. I'm quite the opposite actually. and also I really don't remember any other "men-related" threads I created.

To the second part, I don't know what you mean by open minded so I can't respond.

Nope. Thanks for your concern.
this fag should join the board so miss attention whore and him can be the new chris and mario/marie/bullet whatever dream team
That would be the lulz. He's superior to such a place as this, with his has-been never-made-it big high school dropout pseudo-intellectual status. He wouldn't give this forum the time of day.
So what the fuck?
No rape. But I'll explain the original purpose of this thread.

When I first created the thread, before I left on my venture, I came up with what I thought would be the solution to getting rid of CG. I was planning on doing it then reporting on how it worked out. I thought it would be lulzy for the board. Unfortunately though he completely blew it off as if I never put it on the table and continued on his creepy way and just pissed me off. I agreed to meet him cause I thought I was finally ending the charade, not for the damn free salad.

After talking to several friends and thinking about all the other chick friends he has (the numbers being disturbing) I realized that my being single is what made me most susceptible to him as opposed to the sleazier, easier and taken chicks he knows. Since I don't have any local single guy friends atm who I could have pass as my bf I decided to stage it and tell a story about "me and my boyfriend" going out on a date the weekend before.

I went into detail. Where we went, what we did, where I know the guy from, etc etc etc. CG cut me off by quickly and emotion-lessly saying "uh huh yea that's nice so anyway I'm having a party soon you'll be coming ok? I'm goin to the club this weekend too and I need you to go with me"

Then he had to start closing up shop with the other manager. The place was totally empty then so I just listened to him talk. and I recorded him on my phone. Unfortunately though the quality came up as total shit and it would take a good couple hours for me to edit it audible on the computer.

We did have a nice little spat about him being right all the time. It was lulzy. Something like this:

".....and well I'm right all the time. I am...."

"Nah, you're not."
"Yes I am"
"Yes... it's in my nature to be right. I'm smarter than most people. Near genius."
"No... don't be such a Leo. You're not always right... you'll get over it.."
"Hmpff... I guess. Whatever."

He then whimpered and continued mopping with his tail between his legs.

That's pretty much it. After that I only contacted him in order to make certain he had somewhere to be on NYE so I would be sure he wouldn't be in the same place as me. We have a ton of mutual acquaintances so there was a chance he'd show up at the same party... and I wanted to avoid that at all costs. So I kept in contact, encouraging him to have his own party or find a club to go to. Of course in his head that meant I was to accompany him which meant tormenting texts and calls all of NYE... BUT once nightfall came I knew where he was and I was in the clear.

Since then, I haven't heard from him and haven't seen him anywhere. I was bumped from #3 to #7, then from #7 to #9 on his myspace top friends. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll be taken off his top friends in a few months and I can delete and block him without immediate annoying consequence.

Now for your enjoyment. I posted this in the YLYL thread as well.
