Crimson as a movie?

I don't know if anyone has thought of this before but this idea was spurred on by the idea of Crimson as an RPG, why not have Crimson as a movie. I mean, the plot of Crimson is more original than 99.99999% of all the movies that hollywood regurgitates, you don't have problems with the soundtrack, I mean you could use the original but also maybe use orchestral scores based on the original melodies as well. Then you let someone with class direct it, not some dinkwad like jerry bruckheimer but someone like Tim Burton, George Ramero, maybe Peter Jackson. Just so long as its completely faithful to the original story I think it could make a really cool movie. Just an idea. Any opinions??
I don't find it that original... Its more like a twisted depiction of the second coming of Christ that unfolded into what we know as Crimson. Although, it would make for a cool movie or novel.
The thing is,we hail it here,but when it would come out in the theaters,the only people going to see it would be us Swanö fans and the producers know that. I don't think that Crimson needs to be raped by Hollywood anyway. Just look at what they did with the Spawn movie.
I thought it might make a good comic book. Thel yrics would be the dialogue and the little description boxes.

For example, there could be a picture of a sunrise, with a box saying "Another sky is young!", or picture of the King being angry when his wife dies in childbirth with the lyrics in thought bubbles.

It could be called "Crimson Visions"
I want to be in it too, I'm a dead good actor, I can even flap my nose nostrils in time to the music
Saint of Killers said:
I thought it might make a good comic book. Thel yrics would be the dialogue and the little description boxes.

For example, there could be a picture of a sunrise, with a box saying "Another sky is young!", or picture of the King being angry when his wife dies in childbirth with the lyrics in thought bubbles.

It could be called "Crimson Visions"

I think "the breathing shadow" Would make a better comic book.
tha nightingale story...
does anyone agree?