Crimson II Tracklist


Mar 10, 2004
Canada, New-Brunswick
I know this thread must seem strange because Crimson II came out two years ago, but I was wondering what the tracklisting is. Yes, I know it is one big song, but it's for naming it on my PC because Windows Media Player labeled all the tracks as [Untitled Hidden Tracks] which I find is annoying because I'm like that. I remember seeing a while back the Chapter Titles (ie. The Passage of Time) and sub-titles for the tracks in between each chapter. Is this the official tracklisting or is it just something somebody made up? Either way if someone knows the specific listing I'm speaking of could they direct me in the right direction to get it? I searched the all the threads for about an hour and couldn't find anything.

We have discussed this topic here many times. Unfortunately the search function is off, so you´ll have to go through the threads manually, but they all have this mentioned in the title (or at least "Crimson 2") so you should be able to find without problems.
But in short, it´s ONE track. Whatever separation is there for technical reasons. There are 44 steps for navigating, and officially there are a few songtitles printed on it, so recordshops wouldn´t assume it´s a maxi-CD.
If you want things more specific, look for the old threads.
Yes, I realize it's one big track but let me re-phrase, what I'm actually looking for, I guess you could say, are the names of the chapters which of course are on the back of the album. But I'm almost positive I once saw the tracks in between the chapters labeled as something like, "Passage in Time I, Passage in Time II, Passage in Time III". Something along those lines, but I'm assuming now that it's not official and that I can name them any damn thing I want. :grin:
You mean this one:
I - The forbidden words
II - Incantation
III - Passage Of Time
IV - The Silent Threat
V - Achilles Heel
VI - Covenant Of Souls
VII - Face To Face
VIII - Disintegration
IX - Aftermath

(= official text on the back of the cover. And I hope you like it so much that you´ll wish the real CD for next christmas ;) )
What do you mean, I just said it's obviously on the back of the album. I actually just recieved the album on Tuesday, I'm no music pirate... I believe in buying albums to support bands. This is what I mean...

Chapter name: Incantation
Now this chapter is divided into 5 tracks. I once saw a track listing that gave names for each seperate track. I'm talking all 44 of them.
Well, sorry, I am probably too tired, it´s almost 1 am here. I read it again and now understand better what you mean (I hope) and that I made a mistake.
This listing of which of the 44 parts belongs to which of the 8 tracks?

That I seen in the old topics, the latest was not too long ago.. I don´t have it myself. But before I misunderstand more, I leave it for others to answer.
You only had to scroll down to the middle of the page, to find this. Same answer, at least.

Ah well, glad you found what you needed.
Dhalaren said:
Yes, I realize it's one big track but let me re-phrase, what I'm actually looking for, I guess you could say, are the names of the chapters which of course are on the back of the album.
Those names were made up so records companies would not accidently sell Crimson 2 as an EP. There's no such thing as different chapters on Crimson 2.
Fred304 said:
Those names were made up so records companies would not accidently sell Crimson 2 as an EP. There's no such thing as different chapters on Crimson 2.

Yeah, I know about that whole record company selling it as a single, but I just wanted to know for naming sake.
Dhalaren said:
I just wanted to know for naming sake.
Rip the entire CD as a single long track and name it "Crimson II" or "Crimson 2". Anything else would not make much sense.
That is a good idea, but I don't think you can do that with Windows Media Player. If there's a way it would be good to know, or could you direct me to some free programs that could do the trick.

Dhalaren said:
could you direct me to some free programs that could do the trick.

Just rip the whole thing as "image and cuesheet", then you'll have one large mp3 file (or whatever you set under the compression options - check out some eac tutorials) and a .cue which you can delete.