Crimson II without the keyboard

Sep 10, 2003
Montreal, Canada
Hello All

From the first few seconds of Crimson 1 i was in love. I loved every piece of the song. However with Crimson 2 i am just upset that there is keyboard all the way tho the song/story. I find it makes it too cheeze more then the normal cheese in crimson 1. Don't get me wrong i love cheese but too much is just a bad thing. To be honest i don't even know if there is keyboard in crimson 1 but even if there was, it wasn't that much. I personally (meaning just me so don't bite my head off) think that Crimson 2 would song much better if it did not have the keyboards at all. I guess the main reason is i was expecting a song that was very close to the first.

Also i don't like the fact that Dan said there was going to be piece from every band he has worked on. I don't hear any Pan thy. But hey maybe i just need to listen to it more.

And guys plz don't reply by saying ..."fark u", "dan swano is god" , "crimson 2 rulez" ...... why does crimson 2 rule in your opinion?

Thanks Big
Oh fark u ya farking fark. Swano is the godzor. Crimson 2 rulez. Swano + Crimson = teh 1337 haxor.

Ok, just getting that out of the way. Anyway, I still haven't heard it but that makes me all the more interested! Damn you slow ass mail!
Hmm, I suspected it might have more keyboards (still haven't got my copy in the mail, bah), and I have to say that it will probably bother me a little... Moontower took a long while for me to fully get into, and I still think C1 is much better... I like the dark atmospehere in C1, so if you describe C2 as "cheezy" it doesn't sound too promising. Although I believe Dan has made yet another astonishing album, I'm sure it will be great after a few times :)
Crimson I had keyboard in like 1-2 places. Crimson II has much more of it i agree, but its good. It just makes different autmosphere, but what did you excpect. It Crimson II and doesnt have to sound like the first one. Its great in its own way.

_bigbilly666_ said:
Hello All

From the first few seconds of Crimson 1 i was in love. I loved every piece of the song. However with Crimson 2 i am just upset that there is keyboard all the way tho the song/story. I find it makes it too cheeze more then the normal cheese in crimson 1. Don't get me wrong i love cheese but too much is just a bad thing. To be honest i don't even know if there is keyboard in crimson 1 but even if there was, it wasn't that much. I personally (meaning just me so don't bite my head off) think that Crimson 2 would song much better if it did not have the keyboards at all. I guess the main reason is i was expecting a song that was very close to the first.

Also i don't like the fact that Dan said there was going to be piece from every band he has worked on. I don't hear any Pan thy. But hey maybe i just need to listen to it more.

And guys plz don't reply by saying ..."fark u", "dan swano is god" , "crimson 2 rulez" ...... why does crimson 2 rule in your opinion?

Thanks Big

I liked very much the C1 album for it originality and music. The C2 is a continuation of the first one, the keyboards are making this album different, not a clone of the C1. There must be an evolution in the music. For me, C2 is a good way to develop the C1 themes.
Don`t expect songs taht are very close to your favorite, it will kill the music of your idol.
C2 rule in my opinion for the arangements, the production (the drums and the guitars, the vocals have too much echo but it`s cool for me), the melodics, the lyrics.
Dan didn`t disappoint me yet in his work, all his albums rules!
Man, the keys/synths are something I really love about Crimson II. I hate it when keys simply mirror/mimic the guitars or vocals, like in lots of bm, but Dan beautifully weaves his keys and synths in the background, setting them apart from everything else.. I love the frantic prog rock keys and synths going crazy behind the solid base riffs and whatnot.

Aside from the keys, god damn, Crimson II's story is awesome. Reading the lyrics while listening to the album really is an experience. The story is fucking unbelievably good. The mother having to slash her daughter's eyes and having to trap her and her daughter in the crimson cell for all eternity. It's a great concept album.
I got my copy in the mail today and just finished listening to it, and I have to say IT FUCKING RULES! The keyboards weren't at all as present as I thought they would be, they were very "laid back" IMO. And the story for Crimson II was just spectacular as a follow-up to the first one! The only thing I can say there is that I wanted the child to grow up, kill people and generally rule the world with fear and torture before her mother put an end to it... but hey, you can't get everything :p
"The C2 is a continuation of the first one, the keyboards are making this album different, not a clone of the C1."

If i remember correctly there is a 3min partin C2 which is a direct copy of the first. The guys who have heard the song know what i am talking about.

"Keyboards are fucking awesome. You shouldn't be complaining, you should be thanking Dan!"

That's the kinda answer i was looking for :0p

I think one of the main reason i don't like keyboard is because i don't like BM, like i said before it just adds too much Cheese.
And now I don't agree with the thread starter. Keyboards can add so much to the music. In black metal or any other genre. The thing with Crimson II in my opinion is the mix of Nightingale-ish keyboards and Dan adding his death-metal-2003-touch to that.
I agree with you in a way. I honestly thought at times that Dream Theater had smuggled their stuff onto the disc. However, I've only heard the album once, and can say that I am far from disappointed. The re-hashing of old ideas and integrating them into CII was a great idea, although I do wish he had used a couple more riffs from CI. To mention also that maybe a clean vocals section at the beginning wouldn't have gone amiss. However, I reckon Dan was so happy with getting his voice back (good job, btw... they're br00tal) that he wanted to give such growling his all and everything. The story is great. A lot easier to make sense of than CI. The atmospheric keyboards (without cheese) add so much more to the full effect. Finally, I would say that, although I prefer CI, this is one fantastic album. Bear in mind that I've only heard it once too! Good job Dan.
"Nightingale-ish keyboards"
Keyboards are fro the 80's = Tears for fears , the police.

I would have liked to have seen or heard more from other bands that he has been in. I wanted to hear PAN THY. Weird stuff not stuff that has already been done. One of the reasons i started this thread is ....i like c1 right off the bat.....whereas if i have to listen to c2 more then once to like it, it means, to me at least, that i am just getting use to the song.

Thx for all the replies

"I think one of the main reason i don't like keyboard is because i don't like BM"

Not all BM has keyboards.. that's just kind of a signature feature of that typical Euro BM... You have great U.S., Japanese and Canadian BM bands that have no keyboards and just fucking tear you to shreds. I don't generally like the keys in BM because they're usually poorly played.. i.e. mirroring the guitars note for note. If they're set apart, creating their own presence, then I can like them. Anyway, check out bands like Axis of Advance, Sacramentary Abolishment, Sabbat, Abigail.. great BM / blackened thrash