Criticize my screams.


New Metal Member
Sep 2, 2013
Just wanting to know if I sound good and what not. I'm in a band and they tell me I'm decent. I already know my mids and highs need work. My mouth was already kinda dry doing this but I guess that's no excuse. Ill try to post more but let me know what you guys think. Thanks
Not bad dude! I need some extreme vocals for my projects, I understand you're in a band, but if you have some free time on your hands, check out my music (see signature) and message me.
It sounds good! But in our home is easier to be a good singer than outside, keep practising with your band! Step by step you'll sound like in your soundcloud.
For a more critical analysis on 1-10, I'd say 7/10, and that's being as critical as possible to help you get better. Love your lows. Your high just needs a bit more power to it, maybe try opening your mouth wider.