Floyd Rose Screams?

Dead Eternity

Jan 25, 2002
Munich, Germany
I wanted to ask all guitarists here what tremolo screams you can do or you know to do.

I know some for example the natural harmonic on the fifth fret on the g-string. that's a g and you can pinch it to a / b or down to e.

Tell me your secrets in tremolo crying. :)
I like to "fret" my high E string against the rhythm pickup (only works on some guitars). On mine..it turns out to be a few cents flat of a G# (aka fret 28). Only good for quick tremelo work though because of it's short sustain due to low gauge and short length.

Also try hitting an octave harmonic on the 9th fret E on the G string and playing around with that. This harmonic is quite piercing.
it's fun to play a killer power chord and whack the tremelo right down so the strings go slack then pull it up and down really fast so it goes up at least a full tone to make motorbike sounds ;)

- word of warning - this is a sure fire way to break your srings so don't overdo it in the middle of a gig!
Dive down the bar, mute all the strings you don't want with your thumb and first finger of your fretting hand, fret the harmonic(s) you want then either release the bar suddenly, gradually pull it up to standard pitch or pull it up untill the trem bottoms out. g-string 4th fret's a good one (and easy) although 2-4th fret can yield some fun results.

ANother one that's fun is placing your fretting hand on the bar, and then hitting a pinch harmonic on any of the string (say for example the b) and then diving it down. Looks cool too.
It's sort of suck and see, most ones can be found through playing about and fiddling. Also a good idea to kick in a wah pedal and leave it on in the full treble position to act as a filter and frequency boost to make those harmonics really scream.

As for which ones are where and which notes correspond to which ones...uhhh...:grin:if you use a good chromatic tuner you should be able to find out:grin: Honestly I don't think I ever bothered to figure out which harmoics are what other than the 5th/7th frte ones

5th fret, same as open string, 2 octaves higher (also nailable on 24th fret)
7th fret, same as 19th fret fretted :)
4th/9th/16th fret I think is the same pitch as 9th fret fretted but one or two octaves higher.
2nd/3rd I don't know.

If you're talking about pinch harmonics then to nail them you have to find where to hit them with your picking hand in relation to where your fretting hand is, and also pinch your pick and angle it downwards. THis is tricky, so if a friend knows how to do it get him to show you, because it's not the easiest thing to explain...
In addition, try playing a melody while "punching" the bar. Perfect example - Joe Satriani's outro solo in the song "Surfing with the Alien." A little tricky at first, but when you nail it - oh man! Also try hitting one note and depress the bar and slide your finger off, causing the trem to "bounce. thats a neat trick. Another Satriani favorite is called his "lizard down the throat" sound, as heard in "ice Nine." While sliding up the fretboard (toward the bridge) gradually depress the bar, trying to keep the pitch constant. You can reverse the process, too. Very tricky, but sounds wicked when done right!