It's sort of suck and see, most ones can be found through playing about and fiddling. Also a good idea to kick in a wah pedal and leave it on in the full treble position to act as a filter and frequency boost to make those harmonics really scream.
As for which ones are where and which notes correspond to which ones...uhhh...

if you use a good chromatic tuner you should be able to find out

Honestly I don't think I ever bothered to figure out which harmoics are what other than the 5th/7th frte ones
5th fret, same as open string, 2 octaves higher (also nailable on 24th fret)
7th fret, same as 19th fret fretted

4th/9th/16th fret I think is the same pitch as 9th fret fretted but one or two octaves higher.
2nd/3rd I don't know.
If you're talking about pinch harmonics then to nail them you have to find where to hit them with your picking hand in relation to where your fretting hand is, and also pinch your pick and angle it downwards. THis is tricky, so if a friend knows how to do it get him to show you, because it's not the easiest thing to explain...