CRJ Afterparties....


Nov 3, 2004
Where to begin…First off we want to thank John, Rob and Chris once again for putting on a helluva fest!! Nothing like good friends, good music, and good drinks to make a weekend worth remembering!
Thanks to everyone who came to the CRJ after parties, they were a HUGE success! From getting kicked out of the room on Thursday night, to “hugfest Saturday” (Thanks to Robin & Bjorn for the luv!) it was a blast!

Secondly, we want to send a MAJOR thank you, and BIG hugs to Rebecca (Wildfyr) for contributing the “Jaeger with a pump”, it was a great success…..I’m sure many people regretted it the next day LOL. I think there are a few pics of it floating around somewhere out there!! Also, many thanks to everyone who contributed… guys rawk!!

Thirdly, we would like to thank John Barr for letting us get our hands on his “Knob”, and Chris Lotesto for the contribution of his “sack” on Saturday night (if you weren’t there……well, they were both delicious!! Hehehehe……… )

We also want to thank everyone who participated in all the impromptu jams: Brian, C-Lo, Rich, Robin, Allen, Mikko, Chris, did I forget anybody? If I did, sorry, just insert your name anywhere in here
So, once again, another fest has come and gone, but these memories will last a lifetime!!
THANKS TO EVERYONE!!!:headbang::kickass::worship:
From Room 201/203
Mr. Jaeger are always welcome That bottle was a little like christ returned do us. Is it wrong of me to say you are the mother of my messiah?

If that is the case, Hell thee Rebecca, mother of jaeger and bringer of dillussions and utter drunkedness. ;)=

Might be a wonderful start of a new religion. think about it. ;)=
Mr. Jaeger are always welcome That bottle was a little like christ returned do us. Is it wrong of me to say you are the mother of my messiah?

If that is the case, Hell thee Rebecca, mother of jaeger and bringer of dillussions and utter drunkedness. ;)=

Might be a wonderful start of a new religion. think about it. ;)=

Now that's a religion I could follow :worship: