CRJ Afterparty: Room 203.....


Nov 3, 2004
First off, I would personally like to thank EVERYONE who came to the CRJ after parties this past weekend. You guys were the ones who made the parties fantastic!! :headbang::kickass:
To Aaron, who contributed the micro-brews and organic chips….you RAWK!!
To Rachel (Shadowlioness) who opened up her suite to the CRJ party, you are the best! I’m so glad we finally got to meet and actually talk this weekend. If it wasn’t for you, I can’t even imagine what 203 would be like…..sardines in a can comes to mind!! Thanks lady, and I’m sure we will be seeing each other at random shows all through the year!!
To Jose (or as my husband would say….”Jose Jalapeno…..on a stick” lol), thanks for letting us take over your room on Thursday…..the impromptu jam rocked, and you were a fantastic host!
To Jon Schaffer…..well, what can I say? The man came to the party on Friday night and made the whole weekend worthwhile!! It was great to talk with you and take some pictures!! The hugs helped a lot too!!
To Laura, my rock throughout the weekend!! I always knew I could come to you if I had any questions about anything to do with the fest work wise, and for the Wendy’s on Saturday (minus the napkin incident LOL), it was a much needed meal!!
To all the bands…..professionals…..every one of you! No matter how the crowd reacted, no matter what tech difficulties, you all went on and gave 110%. Kudos to you all!!
To all the under 21’ers, sorry the party had to be an over 21 event. We're hoping you all understand the reasoning behind it, and when you turn 21, we will be there to hand you the bottle of Jagermeister!!
To the old man who was at the front desk, thanks for being so patient with us, and for NOT calling security!! You rock dude!
Last but definitely not least, thanks to Chris, Rob and John, who, without them, this fest wouldn’t exist. Thanks for letting me and Rick be a part of it this year! I’m gladly up for it next year….anything you guys need, just ask!
If I am forgetting anyone….sorry. The whole weekend was a whirlwind of chaos, and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world!
Again, thanks to all of you!! Let’s do it again next year eh?
To all the under 21’ers, sorry the party had to be an over 21 event. We're hoping you all understand the reasoning behind it, and when you turn 21, we will be there to hand you the bottle of Jagermeister!!

Not a problem; I understand completely. It takes care of a lot of unnecessary headaches and problems if it's 21+; especially if the cops show up.

But I'll be there next year, since I am only days away from turning 21. :headbang:
And a much deserved THANK YOU to you! You opened up your room and took great care of us all both at the after party and in the VIP room. You were as much a part of the crew as any of us and you rock!!!!
Thanks to the people who opened their rooms and shared their beer with me!
I suck at remembering names, but I had a good time and was really happy to find some other partiers still up late!
It really isn't a "fest" if the party stops when the bands do. :headbang:
To Rachel (Shadowlioness) who opened up her suite to the CRJ party, you are the best! I’m so glad we finally got to meet and actually talk this weekend. If it wasn’t for you, I can’t even imagine what 203 would be like…..sardines in a can comes to mind!! Thanks lady, and I’m sure we will be seeing each other at random shows all through the year!!

I find it ironic to all high hell that my room happened to be booked right next to the CRJ room, ha! Like I said to you before, it was a mutual thing! It was equally nice to talk to you and Rick, finally. Good times were had by all!
Thanks for hosting both nights and keeping everything in control, you even had wristbands to make sure we were of age in case the cops came! Looks like you know how to throw a party. :)
Hope we can do it all over again next year! :kickass:
-Jose Jalapeño...on a steeek.
Oh wow Jon showed up. That would have made my weekend complete with the drumstick, guitar pic, and being in front of the barricade during all 90 minutes.
Thanks a ton, Annie and Rachel, and whomever else might have been involved in getting our party on. It was certainly entertaining to people-watch, even if I barely knew anyone at the party either night. :lol: I *did* actually introduce myself to a few people from this board for the first time, although, now that I've seen a pic of PowerMetalNerd, I'm kind of frustrated now that I know I was standing almost right next to her most of Saturday night and I didn't even know it. :lol:

Anyone else interested in getting some name tags for next year's shindig? I'd be willing to chip in. :)

-Jose Jalapeño...on a steeek.

"Hello, señor..." :lol::lol::lol:
I *did* actually introduce myself to a few people from this board for the first time, although, now that I've seen a pic of PowerMetalNerd, I'm kind of frustrated now that I know I was standing almost right next to her most of Saturday night and I didn't even know it. :lol:

Ha Ha! Really? didn't happen to overhear my conversation with the German guy about gnomes, did you?
That was classified information.
I maintain that you are really a spy working for the government in an attempt to overthrow my elite Underpants Gnomes operation.
Didn't know who I was, my ass! ;)
I guess that explains the bomb under my car the next morning.
Nice try dude....nice try.
Ha Ha! Really? didn't happen to overhear my conversation with the German guy about gnomes, did you?
That was classified information.
I maintain that you are really a spy working for the government in an attempt to overthrow my elite Underpants Gnomes operation.
Didn't know who I was, my ass! ;)
I guess that explains the bomb under my car the next morning.
Nice try dude....nice try.


My cover's been compromised!
First off, I would personally like to thank EVERYONE who came to the CRJ after parties this past weekend. You guys were the ones who made the parties fantastic!! :headbang::kickass:
To Aaron, who contributed the micro-brews and organic chips….you RAWK!!
To Rachel (Shadowlioness) who opened up her suite to the CRJ party, you are the best! I’m so glad we finally got to meet and actually talk this weekend. If it wasn’t for you, I can’t even imagine what 203 would be like…..sardines in a can comes to mind!! Thanks lady, and I’m sure we will be seeing each other at random shows all through the year!!
To Jose (or as my husband would say….”Jose Jalapeno…..on a stick” lol), thanks for letting us take over your room on Thursday…..the impromptu jam rocked, and you were a fantastic host!
To Jon Schaffer…..well, what can I say? The man came to the party on Friday night and made the whole weekend worthwhile!! It was great to talk with you and take some pictures!! The hugs helped a lot too!!
To Laura, my rock throughout the weekend!! I always knew I could come to you if I had any questions about anything to do with the fest work wise, and for the Wendy’s on Saturday (minus the napkin incident LOL), it was a much needed meal!!
To all the bands…..professionals…..every one of you! No matter how the crowd reacted, no matter what tech difficulties, you all went on and gave 110%. Kudos to you all!!
To all the under 21’ers, sorry the party had to be an over 21 event. We're hoping you all understand the reasoning behind it, and when you turn 21, we will be there to hand you the bottle of Jagermeister!!
To the old man who was at the front desk, thanks for being so patient with us, and for NOT calling security!! You rock dude!
Last but definitely not least, thanks to Chris, Rob and John, who, without them, this fest wouldn’t exist. Thanks for letting me and Rick be a part of it this year! I’m gladly up for it next year….anything you guys need, just ask!
If I am forgetting anyone….sorry. The whole weekend was a whirlwind of chaos, and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world!
Again, thanks to all of you!! Let’s do it again next year eh?

Hey Babe!!! That Wendy's incident was freakin' hilarious! You are the SHIT!! AWESOME to hang with as always!!! Love ya girl!!!
mmmm how did one find about this party//..Was this widely known..I was a sponsor for the fest and knew nothing of a shake at the super 8 and i was staying on the 2nd floor:yell:

You mean you actually couldn't hear the noise? At one point I had to let my friend in my room so he could sleep and when I got back I could hear the party as soon as I got off the elevator.
Next year just ask Rob where the CRJ party will be.
I've still got a photo of that (it's Rachel's photo I think; but I have it on my computer somewhere)... Man, the after party last year was epic.


I was just too worn out this year.