Cronian site gone!

^ I KNOW!!!

That's my major complain you know! It's rarely up-dated, and it still has the "Epic" theme!

I hate that!

They didn't even bother to put an "Origin" theme, or at least a different one.

Damn that pisses me off :Smug: .


They are lazy as Steve Di Giorgio :rofl:D check his website,. the last update was on 2004

They are lazy as Steve Di Giorgio :rofl:D check his website,. the last update was on 2004

:lol: lazy Steve, and lazy Bork too :lol: .

karpsmom said:
Nobody uses websites anymore! It's all myspace

Well not really, some bands also use lastFm I think :p .

Funny thing is that most bands up-date both their website AND their myspace site..., yet Bork (and apparently Mr.Di Giorgio too :p ) does none :zzz: :bah: .