CRONIAN Press-release, Nov'05

karpsmom said:
:) Yea! I'm super excited about it!

It'll be something really cool..having a project like this could of course lead us to be a clone of our other bands..but we feel that we're not. Cronian is something different and it feels "new"( don't get me wrong here..the upcoming albums with our other bands feels very fresh,inspiring and "new"as well, but the other bands have already started their journey)

It was the "rule" we had with Cronian..if it turned up to be a clone of Borknagar or Vintersorg we wouldn't proceed...and as we're doing the final mixdown next weekend we obviously don't feel it's a expands our musical horizons.

mr V
not bad...but I'll wait to hear the album before judging. Somethimes the sum of good elements is not enough..
what the fuck man, how does Mr V get involved with so many active projects at once. Lets see hes got: Vintersorg, Borknagar, Waterfield, Fission, and now Cronian. Thats a shitload of multitasking.
midevil elf said:
what the fuck man, how does Mr V get involved with so many active projects at once. Lets see hes got: Vintersorg, Borknagar, Waterfield, Fission, and now Cronian. Thats a shitload of multitasking.

Waterfield? What is Waterfield?:err:
midevil elf said:
what the fuck man, how does Mr V get involved with so many active projects at once. Lets see hes got: Vintersorg, Borknagar, Waterfield, Fission, and now Cronian. Thats a shitload of multitasking.

Correct..just ask my family...I just can't help myself, calming down

mr V
Maybe you're compensating something with it? Anyway, as long as the music won't speak to you there'll be a reason to keep the family. ;)
madu said:
Speaking of which, mr V and Dan really should do something together :d

I think Mr. V should collaborate with me, we could produce some fine sounding music together. It would be called Vinter Elf and we would serve up fresh fruit salads at every event.