Cronian: thoughts


groove junkie
Feb 11, 2006
Honestly, im really dissapointed. It sounds really sloppy, bland, and almost unlistenable at times. I'm even considering selling the cd back to the store. :erk: Anyone else?
I totally disagree but I respect your opinion :), I think it's a brilliant, emotional, chilling, cohesive piece of symphonic art that brings to mind sweeping majestic landscapes of cold, untouched whiteness. There is a Cronian messageboard, everyone should talk about it over there!
dang, I don't understand why honestly. A lot of times when people don't like things that I like, I can at least see where they are coming from, but Cronian I just don't get it for people who are fans of either band member.
i dunno..i have to order the damn album lol.
but when ive listened to diode earth the only thing that i wouldve wanted different is the use of a drum machine,,for blastbeats i prefer a real drummer
I feel a fair balance of robotic and organic feelings. The synths feel very organic to me, and Mr. V's vocals are very emotional which give it a very human, personal feeling to me.
ErikSL said:
I actually thought the drums sounded quite good, its just everything else was very poor. The whole album is way to digital sounding too.

To have a "digital" sound was one thought that we had with Cronian, to blend analogue and digital emotions so to sepak. We wanted a really cold sound (without being industrial) and we think that we found a perfect balance.

I guess you have to give some serious spinns before you really grasp the whole with TFB for example..a lot of things are going on. And another thing is that this music isn't the typical verse-pre's based on emotions and take much more the role that music does in films, to work with the pictures and amplify them. We launch the songs from a cinematic approach more than a "musical".

mr V
Vintersorg said:
To have a "digital" sound was one thought that we had with Cronian, to blend analogue and digital emotions so to sepak. We wanted a really cold sound (without being industrial) and we think that we found a perfect balance.

I guess you have to give some serious spinns before you really grasp the whole with TFB for example..a lot of things are going on. And another thing is that this music isn't the typical verse-pre's based on emotions and take much more the role that music does in films, to work with the pictures and amplify them. We launch the songs from a cinematic approach more than a "musical".

mr V

Yea I totally understand where your coming does sound like it could be a film soundtrack.
I finally got this cd. And I was pleasantly suprised by how much I loved it! beautiful music.
I just got this CD in the mail yesterday! "A challenging personal journey of the soul" it said on a little sticker. Very interesting stuff indeed! Some parts are a bit disappointing but for the most part I find it very good. I can't give a fair opinion yet as I haven't listened to it enough, but so far it's sounding good.

The only thing that really annoys me about this album is the use of digital beats and drumkits (not counting the drum machine work, which is quite good). For example the techno-ish beat in the beginning of Nonexistence, the industrial-esque beat in Iceolated, etc. That might be all of them, but still, I find that they seem out-of-place.

Edit: One more thing! The flute part at 2:50 in Iceolated.... that's what it sounds like when you accidentally drag the programmed drum part onto the flute track in your sequencing program. Because it sounds like that, I can't really bring myself to liking that part.
The most rewarding music, to me, takes a long time to sink in. If I hear something for the first time and love it right away, I can usually be sure that it won't have any staying power.

I got Terra a few months ago, and I am just now, after all this time, realizing it's brilliance. I am obsessing over it now.

I was really let down when I first heard the album. I loved Diode Earth and liked Arctic Fever, but the rest of the songs just went over my head (and I am a progmetal junkie- I'm used to challenging music). The melodies didn't grab me, and the arrangements were very ethereal and hard to grasp- like the songs were clumsily arranged. I didn't get it. But, in the back of my head, I kind of felt that it was something special, but I just wasn't ready.

Now, I can say that Terra is one of the finest albums I have ever heard. I know that's a bold statement, but I will stand by it. The songs are glorious. Every one of them has a very powerful, enigmatic melodic theme that is new and engaging even after many, many listens.

I feel that it features Mr. V's finest vocal performances yet. And Oystein crafts such tasteful, heady, cool as hell guitarwork... and the programming! I almost don't understand how it was conceived... I still ask myself 'how the hell did they think to do that?'.

I can understand how Terra is such a polarizing, misunderstood album- it is something very unique and special, and will only reward the most dedicated listener. I'm glad I didn't pan this on my initial impression. I hope that Cronian won't be a one album project.

Terra raises the bar. There are so many different sounds competing for soundspace, and somehow they all fit in and each element of the music is clear. That in itself is an impressive achievement. It is an amazingly produced album.

I have to say that 'Illumine' is Terra's masterpiece. I remember getting chills when I finally 'got it'... it reminded me of those moments, when you hear a timeless song, that you know you will be listening to it for the rest of your life. I rank that song up there with the finest progressive rock/metal songs of all time... 'The Heart of the Sunrise', 'And You and I', 'Firth of Fifth', 'Return of the Giant Hogweed', etc.

You can tell when I find something that I like, I really gush over it. I think Terra deserves every bit of it. Mr. V, Oystein, all involved- Fantastic, amazing, truly transcendent achievement! I only hope that it finds more of a home in the hearts of prog/art metal fans, and that there will be another album someday!