Cronian: thoughts

I understand that the album is somewhat amorphous, but that's a huge part of the plan..and for the discussion about fake intruments and so on..we could of course have authentic sounds or use sample libraries that sound more like the real deal..but that's also another conscoius step. I mean I could have turned the strings into IK Multimedia Miroslav Philharmonic Orchestra and it would have been a different feeling..but that was not our was about getting a digital approach to reach a cold musical realm..using lush and warm strings sections would'nt take us where we wanted to go. So our goal isn't to trick people into thinking it's a real orchestra that has joined us.

mr V

good explanation....but damn Mr. V, you need better drum samples. That shit sounds sooo cheesy. Even the JV1080 has better sounding samples. :lol:
good explanation....but damn Mr. V, you need better drum samples. That shit sounds sooo cheesy. Even the JV1080 has better sounding samples. :lol:

I have all the best drum samples you can imagine, DFH, EZE, Addictive Drums, BFD, Groove Agent and a ton of other stuff...

mr V
I have all the best drum samples you can imagine, DFH, EZE, Addictive Drums, BFD, Groove Agent and a ton of other stuff...

mr V

Then why weren't they used to sound realistic? I know all those libraries, I have most of them myself. They sound pretty damn real when used properly. The drum programming on Terra was great but the samples themselves sound more like a drum machine than actual drums.

How did you end up with the final drum sound on Terra? Did you use layering of drum tracks to get the specific sound, and if so, which samples did you primarily layer?
Then why weren't they used to sound realistic? I know all those libraries, I have most of them myself. They sound pretty damn real when used properly. The drum programming on Terra was great but the samples themselves sound more like a drum machine than actual drums.

How did you end up with the final drum sound on Terra? Did you use layering of drum tracks to get the specific sound, and if so, which samples did you primarily layer?

I think you're forgetting he didn't want an organic sound, he wanted something that sounded produced and hollow. Or so that's the way I thought anyway....
Then why weren't they used to sound realistic? I know all those libraries, I have most of them myself. They sound pretty damn real when used properly. The drum programming on Terra was great but the samples themselves sound more like a drum machine than actual drums.

How did you end up with the final drum sound on Terra? Did you use layering of drum tracks to get the specific sound, and if so, which samples did you primarily layer?

on the "new" Cronian album we'll have a different drum sound as the material asked for it, so to'll be a combination of Addictive and Eze drummer

mr V