Crowd Comparison

I'm a fan of both era's, and like both versions, but I think the crowds speak for themselves.

So you really think that most Anthrax fans prefer the Bush era Anthrax to Joey era? Even in this video John is singing a Joey era song. I'd love to see how the crowd would react to them playing one of the garbage songs from Volume 8 or Stomp :D

I know you are a John Bush fan boy, thats fine, but don't even for a minute think that Most old school Anthrax fans would prefer the Bush era it just isn't true.
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So you really think that most Anthrax fans prefer the Bush era Anthrax to Joey era? Even in this video John is singing a Joey era song. I'd love to see how the crowd would react to them playing one of the garbage songs from Volume 8 or Stomp :D

I know you are a John Bush fan boy, thats fine, but don't even for a minute think that Most old school Anthrax fans would prefer the Bush era it just isn't true.

:lol: Maybe the crowds at those shows were going just for the songs. Its like going to see a tribute band live, you go to hear those songs but its still not the same lol.
It's not only the frontman and singer thing (where these two videos clearly prove who's actually better), it's the whole band. In the first one, they all have zero energy and probably are looking forward to the end of the show. Well, except Andreas.

I mean, look at Charlie. He must have done the stupid thing to have Joey's "vocals" put in his ear monitor :lol:
That's an unfair comparison. One is a mixed bag festival and the other is most likely an early time slot at the big four.

Comparing it with Anthrax headlining show would certainly be unfair. But in 2009 they might have been playing just as early. As far as the Big 4 goes - wouldn't that mean even more exposure for Anthrax, a part of the Big 4?
You know, its a damn shame that Anthrax wrote shitty songs when Bush was the singer, cause Bush is a damn good vocalist. Always has been. Hes also a damn fine frontman and he does no how to work a crowd. My only complaint about his live persona is that for some reason he always sounds out of breathe when singing live.

That being said, it is obvious that those who prefer Bush and the Bush era are in the very small minority. It is clearly obvious that Belladonna-era Anthrax was and is more popular. There is really no argument there and if you do argue it you are a fool.

This whole debate is getting pretty damn old. Anthrax has the possibility, for the first time in ages, to become relevant in the metal world again. Something they have not been since the early 90s. They are about to release an album that, if the quality of the rest of the album meets or exceeds the one song already released, will probably be their best since 'Persistence of Time".

As far as 'energy' goes, I have seen Anthrax many, many times. I saw them on the Headbanger's Ball tour. The Among the Living tour. The Clash of the Titans tour. And, yes, I saw them on the SoWN tour and a couple of the other Bush-era tours. You know what? They never lacked for energy. Ever. That is what makes Anthrax Anthrax. It didn't matter who the vocalist was, they kicked ass when they played Indians. They were awesome when they played Among the Living. Anti-social. All of the classics.

I've said it before but I will say it again; I do not hate Bush as a vocalist. He is a very good vocalist. I hate the music they made with him. It was a pale imitation of the Anthrax of old and I hated to see them writing garbage like that.

I like both Belladonna and Bush as vocalist but I only enjoy the Belladonna era music because it was better music. It was thrash. Not only was it thrash but it was fun. It was different. It wasn't the uber-serious stuff like Slayer and Megadeth and Metallica. Anthrax sit themselves apart from the other thrash bands for two reasons, their tongue-in-cheek persona and Belladonna's vocals. They lost both of those when Bush joined the band.
It's not only the frontman and singer thing (where these two videos clearly prove who's actually better)QUOTE]

Sorry, but that doesn't prove anything. We'll see when the album releases in Sept. I think Worship Music will sell more copies than any Bush thrax record did (and i like some of the Bush albums).
It's not only the frontman and singer thing (where these two videos clearly prove who's actually better)QUOTE]

Sorry, but that doesn't prove anything. We'll see when the album releases in Sept. I think Worship Music will sell more copies than any Bush thrax record did (and i like some of the Bush albums).

That's probably true, considering there actually might be some hype about classic line-up getting back and all. But on the other hand it definitely doesn't prove anything. Is Metallica "better" to you than Anthrax just because they sell more records?
having seen both joey and john fronting anthrax i will say john bush tries harder although in his later years he over used the yeah yeah yeah screams in middle of songs,joey is just himself,the chemistry they have is electric and u could really feel that on reunion tour,when the band is on fire u dont have to work a crowd too much.
You know, its a damn shame that Anthrax wrote shitty songs when Bush was the singer, cause Bush is a damn good vocalist. Always has been. Hes also a damn fine frontman and he does no how to work a crowd. My only complaint about his live persona is that for some reason he always sounds out of breathe when singing live.

That being said, it is obvious that those who prefer Bush and the Bush era are in the very small minority. It is clearly obvious that Belladonna-era Anthrax was and is more popular. There is really no argument there and if you do argue it you are a fool.

This whole debate is getting pretty damn old. Anthrax has the possibility, for the first time in ages, to become relevant in the metal world again. Something they have not been since the early 90s. They are about to release an album that, if the quality of the rest of the album meets or exceeds the one song already released, will probably be their best since 'Persistence of Time".

As far as 'energy' goes, I have seen Anthrax many, many times. I saw them on the Headbanger's Ball tour. The Among the Living tour. The Clash of the Titans tour. And, yes, I saw them on the SoWN tour and a couple of the other Bush-era tours. You know what? They never lacked for energy. Ever. That is what makes Anthrax Anthrax. It didn't matter who the vocalist was, they kicked ass when they played Indians. They were awesome when they played Among the Living. Anti-social. All of the classics.

I've said it before but I will say it again; I do not hate Bush as a vocalist. He is a very good vocalist. I hate the music they made with him. It was a pale imitation of the Anthrax of old and I hated to see them writing garbage like that.

I like both Belladonna and Bush as vocalist but I only enjoy the Belladonna era music because it was better music. It was thrash. Not only was it thrash but it was fun. It was different. It wasn't the uber-serious stuff like Slayer and Megadeth and Metallica. Anthrax sit themselves apart from the other thrash bands for two reasons, their tongue-in-cheek persona and Belladonna's vocals. They lost both of those when Bush joined the band.


I've always said John was far superior as a front man. This shows it, pretty handily. DON'T QUESTION IT!

He's far superior TO YOU! Once again these videos do not show anything. There are different fans at different Anthrax shows all the time. Sometimes they are on, sometimes not so much no matter if its John or Joey on stage.