Crue/Motorhead concert in Adelaide


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Anyone on here go last night? Got an SMS from my mate who went at 1.30am... said it was a KILLER SHOW and that Motorhead stole the show.

Said the Glitz and Glam of Crue vs Motorheads `We are Motorhead and we play rock n roll' no thrills just raw metal was very contrasting but refreshing too.
Yep - I went - great show. A lot of people seemed to think Motorhead stole the show, I think both were equally impressive. Motley were a lot heavier live than on record too which was good. Had to love the part of the show where Tommy Lee runs around with a camera getting all the hot chicks (and some not so hot) to get their boobies out!

Hey alias - nice to see Liverpool on quite a run in both the EPL and Champs League. I just got Fox so I'm gonna be up tomorrow night watching the Middlesborough game!!!
timmyc said:
Yep - I went - great show. A lot of people seemed to think Motorhead stole the show, I think both were equally impressive. Motley were a lot heavier live than on record too which was good. Had to love the part of the show where Tommy Lee runs around with a camera getting all the hot chicks (and some not so hot) to get their boobies out!

Hey alias - nice to see Liverpool on quite a run in both the EPL and Champs League. I just got Fox so I'm gonna be up tomorrow night watching the Middlesborough game!!!

Oh yes... whats it now 9 games - 7 wins - zero conceded :)
We are getting all Official over here - starting up a Melb based Official supporters group. We all meet at a local Irish Pub and hopefully we can enjoy us doing over Boro!!!


P.s. mate of mine told me about Tommy's boobie cam :D
timmyc said:
Hey alias - nice to see Liverpool on quite a run in both the EPL and Champs League. I just got Fox so I'm gonna be up tomorrow night watching the Middlesborough game!!!

Is the EPL what you guys call the premiere league in Australia? Do you see much of it on TV
Mickenglanduk said:
Is the EPL what you guys call the premiere league in Australia? Do you see much of it on TV

We normally call it the Premier League but EPL is just easier to type!

We get a lot of coverage but not on free to air TV. It has a very big following here in Australia.