crypto-septuagenarian lost in a fold of reality?!


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
so what with the lawsuits against airlines in the news for losing that Alzheimer's guy for 24 hours, i looked back and found stuff about an older case. apparently some 70 year old woman wandered off in 2000 or 2001 and was NEVER FOUND. like, to this day?!

South said the woman somehow wound up in a secure area
outside the terminal. He said she was spotted twice on
December 5 and again by a pilot on December 7.

"We know at least for two days she probably wandered
around some secured area of the airport and after that
last sighting, on December 7, there's been no trace of
Margie Dabney," he said.

My God. How do you never even find her BODY? How can she wander around the landing strips for two days and not be found?! Where did she go? Where is she now?
The year was 1880, date: September 23. Mr David Lang was out in his fields on his farm. His wife watched him from the porch of his house while his two children played happily in the front yard.

A lawyer by the name of "Judge" August Peck accompanied by his brother-in-law were driving up to the farm in their buggy when Mrs. Lang suddenly started hysterically screaming.

The two men saw what she was screaming at and could only stare in disbelief. David Lang who was mid step disappeared right in front of their very eyes. He simply vanished into thin air!!

Of course the full search was done of the area in the following days but no trace of Mr Lang was ever found. A strange circle was said to have been found at the spot where he disappeared from. It was said that nothing would ever grow in this fifteen ft diameter circle and no insect or animal would go near it. One of Mr. Lang's children was said to have wandered into the circle at one time and heard their fathers cries perhaps coming from another dimension?. Mrs Lang never recovered from the shock of seeing her husband suddenly disappear. There was never a funeral held for David Lang.

In the later years Mrs Lang left the farm and allowed "Judge" Peck to lease it out. However the field where David Lang disappeared was never used, it remained unused and untouched until Mrs. Langs eventual death.
gallatin, tennessee

another bit:

In the following weeks, Mrs. Lang was bedridden with shock; all the family servants except the cook, Sukie, left; and curiosity seekers were chased away from the farm by the local authorities. The county surveyor confirmed that the field was on perfectly solid ground, with no caves or sink holes.
Months after the occurrence, in 1881, Lang's children noticed that the grass at the site of their father's disappearance had grown strange and yellow, and formed a circle with about a fifteen foot diameter. Sarah called to her father, and, seemingly as a result, both the children heard him faintly calling for help, over and over, until his voice faded away.

you know, my fiancee and my stepsister and i are planning to do a road trip to florida this june (big family vacation thing on st. george island like last yr- remember the post cardz with sand?) and will likely drive through some part of Tennessee. maybe while the others are sleeping i will detour through this and venture into another dimension.

of course by now, there's probably a totally commercial circus about the place with toothless guys in top hats selling tickets to see 'Whar that varmint done disappeared!'