crypto-septuagenarian lost in a fold of reality?!

This famous case allegedly took place in September, 1880 on a farm near Gallatin, Tennessee in full view of several witnesses. The two Lang children, George and Sarah, were playing in the front yard of the family home. Their parents, David and Emma, came out the front door, and David headed off across a pasture toward his horses.
At this time, a buggy carrying family friend Judge August Peck was approaching. David turned to walk back to the house, saw the buggy and waved to the judge as he strode across the field. A few seconds later, David Lang - in clear view of his wife, his children and the judge - disappeared in mid-step.
Emma screamed and all of the witnesses rushed to the spot where David once was, thinking perhaps he had fallen into a hole of some kind. There was no hole. A thorough search by the family, friends and neighbors turned up nothing.
A few months after the unexplained disappearance, the Lang children noticed that the grass on the spot where their father vanished had turned yellow and wilted in a circle measuring about 15 feet in diameter.
The family held a memorial at the spot where David Lang had last been seen. One of the children yelled goodby and they were all shocked to hear him answer them. The voice was clearly heard for several hours before it faded away forever.

so now i'm supposed to wander through rural tennessee yelling "goodbye"?