Cryptopsy/Vehemence Tour


Goddess of All
Jan 3, 2002
Hollywood, CA USA
I just found out from John today that Vehemence will be cutting the Mortician tour in half and jumping on the Cryptopsy tour. There will be more info soon, it is a bit sketchy at the stay tuned. This is fucking sweet for them--getting to tour with one of the greatest Death bands ever!!!

Cheers A-holes!!
That is fucking awsome. Cryptopsy with Lord Worm. Cryptopsy with Lord Worm, with Vehemence. Well fucking aye.

Wish I lived in some nearby country :bah:
dude im gonna cream my pants, not only fucking cryptopsy but vehemence....that would def be one of the best tours of all, time even better if it could be vehemence, malevolent creation, cryptopsy
someone please post dates/places for this cryptopsy tour - i need to know!

(is there any chance you guys will still do the akercocke/mortician show in california? :D)