
I bought Crysis today.

Fuck man :lol: I can run every game I've got on maximum graphics settings (C&C3, WoW, BF2142 ect ect ect). But this game I can only just about run on medium settings :lol:

One doesnt need Crysis if one has a paladin called Delicious_Cake.

why even get to 92 :lol:?
Think the highest level I made it to was 50 something. GOt bored of the same 5 acts over and over.

Id play again but Disc 3 is scratched :(
dude sick i love D2, fuckin fun. what type of pally is that

idk if you can run crysis on high with just the 8800, you'll need at least 3 mghz and a dual if not triple core processor, espeically if your going to be running other things like skype etc.

Triple cores don't fucking exist! (well, to be specific they did, but they are totally obselete now) There's Dual Core and Quad Core processors, thats it.