cubas velocity quantize?


New Metal Member
Feb 29, 2012
i wonder if cubase allows you to do this-- basically the same thing as iterative quantize, but rather than gradually moving midi notes to the set positions, working on their velocities instead, to achieve a certain (volume) pattern/groove. and if this weren't possible in a gradual ('iterative') fashion, is it at least possible in one go? i think this may not be the easiest description to grasp, i found a video showing pretty much the thing i'm describing, in another host (for some reason i only found this in russian, but you basically just need to look at the picture to see what i mean). cheers for any suggestions!
I think what you want to look at is Cubase Logical-Editor for Midi. It's a pretty powerfull tool.

i did, the LE macro suggested somewhere around here to slightly randomize velocities within a given range for instance is a handy tool; however LE commands don't allow for what i had hinted at (watch the vid if unsure).